
来源 :上海蔬菜 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:erhtyyuk
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蔬菜品种繁多,我市全年达到80余种。随着科学种菜水平的提高,蔬菜的复种指数越来越高,蔬菜病虫害发生也逐年加重,菜农使用农药的次数和用药量不断增加。我们在各县(区)基地乡镇调查时发现,目前许多菜农,特别是近几年新建立的蔬菜基地菜农,在用农药防病治虫时普遍存在着以下几个问题: 一、不按农药限定浓度,随意加大用药量 一般农药出售时都标有防治病虫害的用量标准说明书,但许多菜农不按推荐剂量进行配制,而是错误地认为剂量越大防效越好,随意加大用药量,结果容易使病虫害产生抗性,剂量过大时还会造成蔬菜药害和增加环境污染。 二、随意混用农药 一些菜农为了贪图方便,不管农药的特性,随意把两种或两种以上的农药,或与化肥混合使用,结果达不到预期的效果,反而降低了药效,甚至蔬菜会出现药害。 Variety of vegetables, the city reached more than 80 species throughout the year. With the improvement of science and vegetables, the index of multiple cropping of vegetables is getting higher and higher. The incidence of pests and diseases of vegetables also increases year by year. The number and dosage of pesticides used by vegetable growers are increasing. When we surveyed villages and towns in all counties (districts), we found that many vegetable farmers, especially those newly established vegetable bases in recent years, generally have the following problems when using pest control pests: First, pesticide-free Concentration, random increase the amount of general pesticides sold are marked with the prevention and control of pests and the amount of standard instructions, but many vegetable farmers do not according to the recommended dose of preparation, but mistakenly believe that the greater the dose the better the anti-efficacy, free to increase the dosage, As a result, pests and diseases are easy to produce resistance. When the dosage is too large, phytotoxicity and environmental pollution will be caused. Second, the random mix of pesticides Some vegetable farmers for the sake of convenience, regardless of the characteristics of pesticides, free to two or more pesticides, or mixed with the use of fertilizers, the results did not achieve the desired effect, but reduced efficacy, and even vegetables will Appear injury.
选用N、P、K、B、Mg、Zn等营养元素与生长素多元混配处理菌袋,取得较好的增产效果,增产率达18~43.4%,并促使菌盖大、菌柄短、单丛子实体数量增加,具有明显的抗衰复壮作用。 Se