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<正> Ⅰ. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS After the strong earthquake occurred in Tangshan in 1976, we began the study of earthquake prediction at the Miyun (密云) Reservoir observation station in the Beijing district, using both lasers and electronic techniques. A
1 经济方便的渔品保鲜技术碎冰冷却是目前国际上最为流行的渔品保鲜技术。我国沿海目前沿用的购买整块冰、破碎后装船待用的方法 ,操作繁杂 ,损耗大 ,使用不灵活而已嫌落后
<正> In studying the problem of quark confinement, t’ Hooft introduced a loop dependent disorder parameter B(C’), which depends on loop C’ and is related to
<正> It is desirable to divide the frequency band into small bands over which an elliptical waveguide will possess an transverse cross section with an appropria
<正> An acoustic radiation effect may be produced by ultrahigh energy particles while traversing water. The idea of using the acoustic radiation effect to detec
<正> The tumor-inducing plasmid (pTi) of Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a most promising vector system in the genetic engineering of higher
<正> Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION Orthopyroxene is one of the most important rock-forming ferromagnesian silicates. It occurs commonly in basle and ultrabesic igneous rocks
<正> The developments in supersymmetry have drawn more attention to the graded Lie algebra. Especially after Yuval Neeman had derived the Weinberg-Salam model b
<正> The most successful quantum statistical methods to treat the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic system are the spin-wave method and the method of Green’s
<正> In a previous work of ours on molybdenum single crystals, we have assumed that an unsaturated chemical exchange bond exists between the impure atoms and th
<正> Reference samples of lithium isotopes can be prepared by mixing pure materials with moderately high content of either isotope to form an intermediate sampl