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  (本文摄影 姜胜利)
  New Yueju Opera Star Shines
  By Mei Mei
  Cai Zhefei, a Yueju Opera artist, has eventually become a big star of the opera that originated in eastern Zhejiang over one hundred years ago and now is the second biggest opera genre after Peking Opera. Her career as a Yueju Opera artist started in 1993 at the age of 18.
  Back then she was a young martial art artist at Xinchang Diaoqiang Opera Troupe. She appeared on the stage as a warrior dressed up with small and colorful flags over her shoulders. She had taken a one-year course for Yueju Opera performance. She did not know her life was to change forever. Someone with the province’s cultural authorities spotted her exact resemblance with Mao Weitao, the best woman who acts as a man in Yueju Opera plays. Nobody had ever noticed the lookalike before. Cai Zhefei was astonished to learn that she looked like Mao Weitao on the stage.
  Mao Weitao herself sometimes gets confused by the resemblance. One day she was looking at some photos taken during the troupe’s road show across the province. Mao saw herself in some photos and wondered why she didn’t have any memory of the road show. Later Mao found that it was Cai Zhefei in these photos.   The leaders who favored Cai Zhefei had their reasons. Mao Weitao is a huge success and a legend of Yueju Opera. For many with the cultural authorities and the troupe administration, Cai Zhefei could be another Mao Weitao. So they got her into Zhejiang Xiaobaihua Yueju Opera Troupe and trained her as a future star.
  Mao Weitao didn’t like the idea at first. She dreaded that the young artist would take the appearance for granted and ignore hard work and dedication. Her misgivings evaporated eventually. Cai Zhefei works hard and she doesn’t have any arrogance about the big star status. She does her assignments diligently. Mao finds the young artist as honest and simple as she was on the first day she came from Xinchang.
  In 1994, Cai Zhefei made her name overnight at China Yueju Opera Festival. She and Yan Jia appeared in a new edition of one of the best plays among the Yueju Opera repertoire. Audiences wowed at her appearance and performance. Fans find her endearing and consider her as Mao Weitao junior.
  Over years, Cai Zhefei has grown up as an artist. She is now a key player of the troupe.
  On December 19, 2016, she appeared as the lead man in in Hangzhou. The Yueju Opera play was part of a big show designed to let the market see how young opera talents across the province had grown up. The province’s project for cultivating young opera talents has been going on for years.
  was a big challenge to Cai. Her first reaction after reading the script in 2015 was impossible. She didn’t want the role. The play tells the story of the king over a period of four decades. She was to appear as a middle-aged man and a father of children in the play. Moreover, all the lines must be spoken in mandarin as if in a drama, as demanded by Director Guo Xiaonan. She didn’t have the confidence in her voice, which is too young and unsteady for the role. She worried so much that she lost sleep for many nights. She texted her lack of confidence to Mao Weitao and asked to back out of the cast. Mao replied that backing out meant giving up and giving up meant the end of her career.
  Cai worked hard by watching the videos of dramas and television series. Eventually she found a way to sound like a middle-aged man on the stage. Through this artistic ordeal, Cai has come to understand the career is her own and suffering for art is her destiny no matter whether she looks like someone else.
【摘要】各阶段的计算机辅助语言教学发展反映了当时的计算机技术水平和相应的语言教学理论。在今天信息爆炸的电子时代,连接主义认为学习的本质是认知并整合信息间的联系和模式的过程,而多媒体资源通过合理的规划设计将有助于学习网络的连接和创建,从而更彰显多媒体的互动性和个性化学习的特色。  【关键词】连接主义 多媒体资源 互动性 自主性  【注】该论文由上海应用技术学院研究生课程建设项目(101YM12000
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