科学的总结 正确的指导——学习李先念同志有关综合平衡的论述

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所谓综合平衡,说到底,就是社会产品的实物形态与价值形态的平衡,包括总量平衡与结构的平衡.综合平衡工作,就是自觉地有计划地对国民经济的重大比例关系,以及影响这些比例关系的诸环节和因素,进行系统安排和调控,以保证国民经济健康发展.李先念同志在长期的财经工作领导实践中,与陈云等老一辈革命家一起,对综合平衡理论和方法的总结、阐述和运用,做出过重要贡献.他的有关论述是我国社会主义财经理论的重要组成部分.了解和学习这些论述,我们可以系统深刻地体会到坚持运用综合平衡理论和方法,对我国经济的健康发展有重要的指导作用.有计划按比例发展国民经济,是社会主义经济的一般要求;尽可能快地发展国民经济,是经济落后的社会主义国家的迫切需要.这些要求和需要在我国如何实现,用什么方法解决,需要在实践中寻找答案.综合平衡作为我国指导宏观调控,保证国民经济持续、稳定、 The so-called comprehensive balance, in the final analysis, is the balance of the physical form and the value form of the social product, including the balance between the total quantity and the structure. The comprehensive and balanced work is a conscious and planned major proportional relationship with the national economy and the impact on these proportions System and regulation in order to ensure the healthy development of the national economy in the leadership of long-term financial and economic work, together with the older generation of revolutionaries such as Chen Yun, summed up the theory and method of comprehensive balance And use, made an important contribution to his relevant discourse is an important part of China’s socialist theory of financial management.A understanding and study of these expositions, we can systematically profoundly understand the insistence on using the theory and method of comprehensive balance of China’s economic health Development has an important guiding role.Proportionately planned development of the national economy is a general requirement of the socialist economy.Developing the national economy as rapidly as possible is an urgent need of the economically backward socialist countries.These requirements and needs are not met in our country , What method to solve, you need to find the answer in practice State guidance of macro-control, to ensure sustained, stable,
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