
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jueduizhi
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With the unique ergodicity,irregularity,and special ability to avoid being trapped in local optima,chaos optimization has been a novel global optimization technique and has attracted considerable attention for application in various fields,such as nonlinear programming problems.In this article,a novel neural network nonlinear predic- tive control(NNPC)strategy based on the new Tent-map chaos optimization algorithm(TCOA)is presented.The feedforward neural network is used as the multi-step predictive model.In addition,the TCOA is applied to perform the nonlinear rolling optimization to enhance the convergence and accuracy in the NNPC.Simulation on a labora- tory-scale liquid-level system is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. With the unique ergodicity, irregularity, and special ability to avoid being trapped in local optima, chaos optimization has been a novel global optimization technique and has attracted considerable attention for application in various fields, such as nonlinear programming problems. In this article, a novel neural network nonlinear predictive control (NNPC) strategy based on the new Tent-map chaos optimization algorithm (TCOA) is presented. The feedforward neural network is used as the multi-step predictive model.In addition, the TCOA is applied to perform the nonlinear rolling optimization to enhance the convergence and accuracy in the NNPC. Simulation on a labora- tory-scale liquid-level system is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
世上什么事最难?可以有无数种答案,但是在那几年当记者,我的答案是:“说真话最难”。 记者,特别是常年驻基层的记者,耳闻目睹许多民声世情,总有一种冲动要诉诸笔端,想利用自
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