
来源 :辽宁中医杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lnawxu
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辽宁省卫生厅于1月11日至16日在辽宁中医学院召开了第一次全省中医教学工作经验交流座谈会。参加会议的有来自全省11个市43个县的中医教学人员59名及中医学院各中医教研室。会议的开始首先由中医学院黄国平书记致词,指出这次会议的重要意义和目的;熊业广院长报告了中医学院的教学情况和经验。接着参观了中医学院的一年成就展览室、中药标本室、医史陈列室、针灸实习室、图书馆等教学设施,然后又由各教研室介绍了教学经验,并就医经、伤寒、金匮、本草四门课程作了教学观摩,接着开始座谈。在座谈中代表们热情扬盗地交流了经验,提出了工作建议:尤其是对全省的中医教材编审,师资培养提高,不断改进教学方法等方面提出了较系统的建议,会议期间李华清厅长亲临大会就中医教学工作和提高思想认识方面作了重要指示。其次还参观了中医学院附属医院,最后由熊业广院长作了大会总结。通过讨论大家认为这次会议有以下几项主要收获:一,肯定了成绩,提高了思想,明确了方向:大家经过讨论座谈,一致认为我省各地在党的领导下,西医 Liaoning Provincial Health Department held the first symposium on the exchange of experience in teaching Chinese medicine in Liaoning Province from January 11 to January 16 in Liaoning College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Attending the meeting were 59 Chinese medicine teaching staff from 43 counties and 11 cities in the province, as well as various Chinese medicine teaching and research institutes of Chinese Medicine Institute. At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Huang Guoping, secretary of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, made a speech and pointed out the significance and purpose of the conference. The president of Xiong Yeguang reported on the teaching situation and experience of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Then visited the Year Achievements Exhibition Hall, TCM Herbarium, Medical History Showcase, Acupuncture Practice Room, Library and other teaching facilities of the Faculty of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and then introduced the teaching experience by the teaching and research departments, and introduced medical experience, typhoid fever, Herbal four courses made a teaching observation, then began to talk. During the discussion, the delegates exchanged their experiences warmly and put forward suggestions on the work: in particular, they made systematic suggestions on the compilation and editing of Chinese teaching materials, improvement of teacher training and improvement of teaching methods in the province. During the meeting, Director Li Huaqing Visited the General Assembly on Chinese medicine teaching and raise awareness of important instructions made. Second, also visited the Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and finally made a summary of the General Assembly by Xiong Yaguang. Through discussion, we think the meeting has the following main gains: First, affirmed the achievements, raised the ideology and defined the direction: After discussion and discussion, we all agreed that the province under the leadership of the party, the Western medicine
目的 探讨上腔静脉切除行人工血管置换在晚期肺癌外科治疗中的作用、技术方法及其预后.方法 全组共26 例,右侧中心型肺癌21 例、周围型肺癌5 例.行肺癌原发病变、转移淋巴结