关联产品 关联应用 联想参展CeBIT2004报道之一

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在CeBIT 2004展会上.联想重点展示了自己的明星产品“关联产品”,引起了大量参观者和媒体的关注。关联PC:联想“天骄至尊” 联想“天骄至尊”关联电脑实现了全新的应用模式: 自动的无线连接。由于内嵌关联协议,并增加了新的无线组件“悦灵通”,天骄至尊可自动发现家中的电视.音响等电器,并与之建立无线连接.组建成一个家庭娱乐网络。用户只需使用遥控器,就可对电脑.家电.音响等设备组成的网络实现控制。 At CeBIT 2004, Lenovo highlighted its own star product, “Connected Products,” arousing the attention of a large number of visitors and the media. Associated PC: Lenovo “Tianjiao Extreme” Lenovo “Tianjiao Extreme” related to the computer to achieve a new application model: Automatic wireless connection. Due to the built-in association agreement and the addition of a new wireless component, “Wyatt Link”, Tianjiao Extreme can automatically find home appliances such as TV, audio, etc. and establish wireless connection with them to form a home entertainment network. Users simply use the remote control, you can on the computer. Appliances. Audio and other equipment to achieve network control.
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