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一我国劳改系统的产业结构,大致分为工业和农业两大类。其中以农业经济所占的比重为最大,形成以农业为主、工业为辅的产业结构。几十年来我国投入农业劳改的罪犯占80%左右,分散在广阔的田野、山村等边远地区。形成在我国劳改产业以农为主的历史原因,总的说是受我们这个农业大国,工业不发达的现状影响;直接的原因,是建国初期接管了旧社会遗留下来的,大批日伪战犯、国民党战犯、历史反革命、惯盗、惯骗,流氓地痞等社会渣滓和建国后开展剿匪反 The industrial structure of China’s labor reform system is broadly divided into two major categories: industry and agriculture. Among them, the agricultural economy accounted for the largest proportion, resulting in an agriculture-based industry supplemented by industrial structure. For decades, 80% of China’s criminals engaged in agricultural labor reform have been scattered in remote areas such as vast fields and mountain villages. The historical reasons for the formation of the labor-based industries in our country mainly depend on the status quo of our agrarian powerhouse and underdeveloped industries. The direct reason is that the early days of the founding of the People Republic of China took over the legacy of a large number of Japanese and Pope’s war criminals, Kuomintang war criminals, historical counterrevolutionaries, theft, deception, rogue bullies and other social dregs and the suppression of bandits after the founding of the anti-China
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阅读是当今社会不可缺少的一项基本技能,是人们学习、沟通的重要途径。尤其是在学校教育中,阅读是学生学习知识不可或缺的内容。但是在当前的阅读教学中,成绩并不乐观,还存在很多的不足。例如学生对于阅读没有兴趣,上课昏昏欲睡等现象非常普遍。在此,我结合自己的教学经历,就当前高中语文的阅读教学现状作简要分析,并就新课标下的阅读教学,如何实施新课程标准的理念谈一些自己浅薄的看法。    一.当前阅读教学存在的问
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