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一、教学目的的确定一篇好的说明文,不仅要注意说明的科学性,能准确地向读者介绍有关知识,而且要注意说明的生动性,使读者饶有兴味地阅读。不少优秀的说明文,还能在知识传授的同时,对读者进行思想教育。说明文《死海不死》就具备以上这几个特点。例如,在介绍死海的特征和形成过程时,课文从揭示“死”与“不死”这一对看似矛盾的概念的涵义入手,除列举了数字、事例加以说明外,还穿插了大段的神话传说,这样,原本并无情节又不动人的科学知识,就可以使读者兴趣盎然,爱不释手。教学本文,就应让学生理解; (一)说明事物,除只抓住其特征外,还应选择吸引读者的“突破口”,抓住读者的阅读心理; (二)神话传说,不少都无案可稽,但在说明文中若能运用得当,却有助于科学的说明; (三)运用数字,是说明的常见方法,但运用中,应掌握严密的科学性。以上三点,既是本课文的特色,又是学生应当而且可以理解的说明方法。教学中,当视为重点。二、疑难字词句补说 First, determine the purpose of teaching A good explanatory text, not only to note the scientific nature of the description, can accurately introduce the reader to the relevant knowledge, but also pay attention to the vividness of the description, so that the reader read with great interest. Many excellent explanatory texts can also provide ideological education to readers while imparting knowledge. Explain that the “Dead Sea of ​​Death” has these characteristics. For example, in introducing the characteristics and formation process of the Dead Sea, the text starts by revealing the meaning of the seemingly contradictory concept of “death” and “immortality”. Apart from enumerating numbers and examples, it also intersperses a large section of Myths and legends, like this, there is no plot and no moving scientific knowledge, you can make readers full of interest, can not put it down. In teaching this article, students should be understood; (1) To explain things, in addition to only grasping their characteristics, they should also choose to “broke a breakthrough” that attracts readers and capture the reading psychology of readers; (2) Many myths and legends are absent. The case is accommodating, but if it can be used properly in the explanatory text, it will help to explain it scientifically. (C) The use of numbers is a common method of explanation, but in application, it should be closely scientific. The above three points are not only the characteristics of this text, but also the instructions that students should and can understand. In teaching, it should be regarded as an important point. Second, difficult words and sentences
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前几天参加同学聚会,遇到了五六年音讯皆无的好友娟子。说起娟子来,还真有些传奇色彩。几年前,娟子迷上了写作,她的文章大多短小精悍、富有哲理、令人深思、给人以启迪,因此,她的名字频频见诸报端。  说实在的,在我们这些普通读者看来,娟子的作品与那些所谓的名家的相比还真在伯仲之间,难分高下。但是,也只不过是天边的一抹流云,没有多久就消散一空,难以被读者铭记在心。  两三年过去了,娟子的文章呈井喷之势,在全
朋友A,突然间就分了手,原本犹豫不决的她突然间比谁都坚定。他们在一起将近六年,其间分分合合很多次但始终没有分成,无论男生闯了什么祸,她都选择原谅。这次的导火索我们也不知道是什么,只是隐约知道是件小事,却让他们彻底分了手。  我只是突然想到另一个故事,就是timi的故事。他和他媳妇儿认识十二年,在一起八年,我们都说他们是彼此的狗皮膏药,撕也撕不开。可是他们分手用了一天,他彻底放弃用了两年。这两年里我
本文对SS4型机车空气制动阀电线路故障进行了全面系统的分析,提出了改进方案和预防措施,为机车检修提供参考。 This article has carried on the comprehensive system anal