Improvement of slow light performance for vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser using coupled cavit

来源 :OptoelectronicsLetters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:editorzhou
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We propose a vertical cavity semiconductor emitting laser (VCSEL) using a coupled-cavity (CC) design to broaden the bandwidths of gain and delay spectra. The structure is formed by constructing a passive cavity coupled with the active cavity. By rendering the strength of the two resonant cavities, the increased gain bandwidth by 340% and the increased delay bandwidth by 800% are achieved as compared with the signal-cavity (SC) VCSEL. The wideband spectra present more square-like passband which is expected for slow light system. By using it, a 20 Gbit/s super Gaussian signal is delayed by about 13 ps with high quality.
提出一种几何蒙特卡洛方法(GMC),利用光子位置与物质界面间的几何关系在整个计算区域而非单个网格内计算光子传输。计算区域无网格离散,光在物质界面处的传播严格依据其实际过程进行,消除了网格蒙特卡洛方法(VMC)中的光传播误差并大幅提高了计算速度。对于包含单根血管的情况,采用10 μm 网格,GMC 的计算速度约为VMC 的25 倍。利用GMC 方法计算了激光在多根同轴血管簇皮肤组织模型中的能量沉积,发现血液体积分数不变时,血液能量吸收特性对血管分布的依赖性随着血管数量的增加而降低。当血管数量为20 根时,不
We propose an efficient and robust method to generate tunable vector beams by employing a single phase-type spatial light modulator (SLM). With this method, a linearly polarized Gaussian beam can be converted into a vector beam with arbitrarily controllab
为了解决激光超声检测过程中定量识别表面缺陷深度较困难的问题,提出了一种粒子群(PSO)优化BP神经网络表面矩形缺陷深度定量识别方法。基于热弹机制,利用有限元软件COMSOL建立了利用激光超声检测含有表面缺陷铝材料的有限元模型,得到了脉冲激光照射下不同深度缺陷对应的透射波信号,提取透射波信号的时域峰值、中心频率、频域上3 dB带宽、上限截止频率和下限截止频率等多个变量作为神经网络的特征向量,建立了PSO-BP神经网络缺陷深度定量识别模型,实现了0.1~3 mm深度缺陷的定量识别。计算结果表明:经过粒子群算法
Diffractive optics is an important technique for beam shaping with high light efficiency and strong diffraction pattern flexibility. Since the diffraction angle is limited by the unit size of the diffractive optical element (DOE), the size of the required