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新东一、二号井前身是东罗矿务局五联一、二号井,1972年广西煤矿设计院设计一号井利用储量928.83万吨,可采647.6万吨,设计生产能力17万吨/年,服务年限31年,1997年核定12万吨/年;设计二号井利用储量382.88万吨,可采271.62万吨,设计生产能力8万吨/年,服务年限32年,1997年核定5万吨/年。两对井在1974年同时建井,1979年同时投产,至2000年8月底矿井政策性破产,累计采出原煤305.26万吨。破产后储量重新计算,于2001年1月18日经广西矿产资源储量委员会以桂国土资认储[2001]03号文认定剩余储量640.6万吨(含永久性保安煤柱252.7万吨)。 2001年2月27日,经广西东罗矿务局破产工作组批准,该公司接收原五联矿一、二号井为重组企业。企业重组后采矿权范围面积只有0.845平方公里,工业储量约100万吨。至2004年底公司重组后累计采出原煤60.36万吨。2004年初,经广西国土资源厅批准扩大矿区范围,增加资源储量105.3万吨(其中一号井66.8万吨,二号井38.5万吨)。已进行了采矿登记,并已进行了一年多的开采,预计可服务2.5年。 为合理开发利用资源,该公司制定了严格的煤炭资源开采管理制度,配备了3名矿山地测专业人员,主要职责是收集水文地质资料和进行采掘工程测绘,严格对煤炭资源的开发利用进行监督管理,指导煤炭资源有效开采。回时建立采掘工程井上、上对照图、水文地质图、矿井通风图、矿井避灾图、矿并供电、排水、通讯、安全监测图等,并及时测量收集有关资料填绘图纸。针对采掘生产布局编制作业规程指导采掘生产。建立生产台账,由调度所逐日登记。确保采掘工作面有序开采,无乱挖乱采现象。 矿山严格遵守采矿权规定的范围,合理开发利用煤炭资源,不仅无超层越界开采无及浪费资源现象,而且努力提高采区回采率,连续三年超额完成崇左市国土资源局下达的回采率80%的指标。 Xin Dong I and II wells predecessor was Dongluo Mining Bureau Wulian No. 1 and No. 2 wells. In 1972, Guangxi Coal Mine Design Institute designed No. 1 well to utilize 9,288,300 tons of usable coal and 6.476 million tons of coal and designed a production capacity of 170,000 tons / Year, the service life of 31 years, approved in 1997 120,000 tons / year; design No. 2 well utilization reserves of 3,828,800 tons, recoverable 2,716,200 tons, designed production capacity of 80,000 tons / year, service life of 32 years, approved in 1997 50,000 tons / year. Two wells at the same time in 1974 to build wells, put into operation in 1979 at the same time, to the end of August 2000 bankruptcy policy, mining a total of 3.0526 million tons of raw coal. The reserves after bankruptcy were recalculated. On January 18, 2001, Guangxi Mineral Resources Reserves Commission determined that the remaining reserves of 6,406,000 tons (including permanent security coal pillars 2,527,000 tons) should be confirmed by the Gui Tu Zi Chu Ke [2001] No. 03 document. On February 27, 2001, approved by the Bankruptcy Working Group of Guangxi Dongluo Mining Bureau, the company received the original coal mine No. 1 and No. 2 as the reorganization enterprise. After the reorganization of mining rights area of ​​only 0.845 square kilometers, industrial reserves of about 1 million tons. To the end of 2004 after the reorganization of the company collected a total of 603,600 tons of raw coal. In early 2004, approved by Guangxi Land and Natural Resources Department to expand the scope of the mining area, increase the reserves of 1.053 million tons (including 668,000 tons of No. 1 and No. 385,000 of No. 2). The mining registration has been conducted and has been carried out for more than a year and is expected to serve for 2.5 years. In order to rationally develop and utilize resources, the company has formulated a strict management system of coal resources exploitation and is equipped with three mine geotechnical professionals. Its main duties are to collect hydrogeological data and carry out excavation mapping and strictly supervise the development and utilization of coal resources Management, guide the effective exploitation of coal resources. When back to the establishment of mining engineering wells, the control charts, hydrogeological maps, mine ventilation plans, mine disaster plans, mining and power supply, drainage, communications, safety monitoring plans, and timely measurement of relevant information to collect drawings. For the production of mining layout rules to guide the production of mining operations. Establish production ledger, registered by the dispatch center. To ensure the orderly mining face mining, indiscriminate mining indiscriminate mining phenomenon. The mine strictly abided by the scope of the mining rights and rationally exploited and utilized coal resources. It not only did not overstrain and oversupply resources, but also made efforts to increase the recovery rate of the mining area. It surpassed the recovery rate issued by the Chongzuo Bureau of Land and Resources for three consecutive years 80% of the indicators.