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在已修成的地方道路桥梁中,发现有中型以上的桥梁,特别是木制的,它的桥面纵向倾斜度,从上(下)游侧面观察,有的成不规则曲线形,有的成直线形,有的甚至成两面坡尖形,既不美观,又不能顺畅排除桥上行事部份表面的雨水。这样,雨水会透湿桥面板,日久霉腐,使上部结构早期损坏。一般桥梁当没有设立纵向坡度,或纵向坡度较小时,往往靠着人行道或缘石旁设置的泄水孔(或不大的排水沟)泄水;但在没有行人道的比较长的桥梁中,为了美观和排水,通常在桥面上设纵横向坡度,其大小依桥上铺砌层的种类而定,一般的规定值如下表 Among the roads and bridges that have been completed, more than medium-sized bridges are found, especially in the wood. The vertical gradient of the bridge deck is observed from the upper (lower) side and some are irregularly curved, Linear, and some even into two sides slope pointed, neither beautiful, but also can not be excluded from the action part of the surface of the bridge rain. In this way, the rain will permeate the bridge deck, mold day rot, the early damage to the superstructure. When a vertical bridge is not provided with a longitudinal gradient or has a small longitudinal gradient, a general bridge often discharges by means of a scupper (or a small drainage gutter) provided along the pavement or edge stone; however, in relatively long bridges without pedestrian traffic, Beautiful and drainage, usually vertical and horizontal slope set on the bridge, the size of the bridge depending on the type of paving layer, the general provisions of the following table
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<正> 有一种比较流行的解释,认为大公无私中的“私”是指不正当的个人私利及其思想和行为,大公无私就是一心为了公共利益,没有个人主义或自私自利的思想和行为。例如:“我们所提倡的大公无私,其含义是很明确的。大公无私是统一的完整的慨念。大公无私是和自私自利相对立的。‘公’和‘私’历来有多种含义,这里所说的‘公’,是指公共利益,人民利益;‘私’是指自私自利,即损人利己,损公肥私。”(《大公无私不
论文提出一种适用于非均质材料结构动力响应分析的广义扩展多尺度有限元方法(General Extended Multiscale FEM,GEMsFEM),并将其与虚拟激励法(PEM)结合应用于非均质材料结构
  There have been a few studies on mechanical mechanism of the periodic twinned nanowires in recent years.The purpose of this work is to investigate the behav
找“北” 张月是一个中学退休的高级数学教师,今年60岁了。1米65的个头,修长的身材,瓜子脸,柳叶眉,时尚的打扮,不俗的气质。中学退休高级教师有不菲的收入。她又住着一个双