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随着改革开放的不断深入,西方文化对我国的影响越来越深,其中建筑文化受西方影响也非常显著。特别是我国现代化城市群不断崛起,城市建筑广泛应用西方建筑设计风格,甚至按照西方建筑的原貌,建设各种“维多利亚城”、“西班牙小镇”等等。虽然时代在进步,建筑设计在创新,但我国已过去的历史、遗留的古建筑元素却未被消弭。在设计、建造过程现代建筑时,应适当回归传统古建筑,挖掘其中值得借鉴的元素,以实现建筑现代感与古韵味的完美融合,实现我国传统文化的传承。笔者结合工作实际,探讨了现代建筑对中国古建筑风格的借鉴运用情况,分析了当代设计对中国古建筑文化运用过程中存在的问题,论述了现代建筑中中国古建筑元素的应用,有利于现代建筑的设计。 With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, the influence of western culture on our country is getting deeper and deeper, and the architectural culture is also significantly affected by the West. In particular, the modern urban agglomerations of our country are constantly on the rise. Urban buildings are widely used in western architectural design styles and even in accordance with the original appearance of Western architecture, building “Victorian City”, “Spanish town” and so on. Although the times are improving and architectural design is innovating, our country’s past history and the legacy of ancient architecture have not been eliminated. In the design and construction process of modern architecture, should be properly returned to the traditional ancient buildings, mining which is worth learning elements in order to achieve the perfect combination of architectural modernity and ancient charm, to achieve the tradition of our heritage. Based on the actual work, the author discusses the use of modern architecture for reference to the ancient Chinese architectural style, analyzes the existing problems in the use of contemporary Chinese architectural culture by contemporary design, discusses the application of ancient Chinese architectural elements in modern architecture, Architectural design.
实施外向带动战略 全力推进乡镇企业迈向国际市场 “八五”时期浙江省嘉兴市乡镇企业普遍处于规模小、外向度低、竞争力差等状况,在“九五”初期,及时作出了外向带动的战略决策
六年前,走进新招的一年级班,感觉孩子都是一样:小不点儿、豁牙,眼神中带着些紧张。一周下来,也只感到一点不同:有的爱说、有的爱听,别的仍一样。 六年悄悄地过去了,也许是一
一、说教材1 教学目标。(1)知识教学。使学生能听懂会说本课句型Isthisyour…?Yes,itis.掌握Yes,itis.的拼写。(2)能力培养。使学生养成注意观察、仔细静听、认真模仿的良好习惯 ,培养学生的口语交际能力、发散性