各地细则相继出台 二手房市场难逃低迷

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自7月26日国税总局出台《关于个人住房转让所得征收个人所得税有关问题的通知》已有半月之久,8月1日前后,各地也相继出台了地方细则,其中最核心的内容是对国税总局留给地方对不能提供房屋原值凭证的交易征税额1%-3%的幅度进行明确。各地细则存在怎样的差异?对各地的二手房市场产生的影响是否相同?各地对政策的反应又有何异同? Since July 26, the State Administration of Taxation promulgated the Circular on Issues Concerning the Collection of Personal Income Tax on the Individual Housing Transfer Income for about half a month. Before and after August 1, various local regulations were promulgated one after another, of which the core content is the tax on the national tax The Administration reserves the right to make clear the range of 1% -3% of the tax amount for the transaction that can not provide the original value of houses. What are the differences between the various rules? The impact on the second-hand housing market around the same? What is the difference between the local policy response?
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