History Hijacked

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去年是纪念世界反法西斯战争胜利50周年。美国《时代》周刊于去年2月13日发表了Charles Krauthammer撰写的History Hijacked一文,引起较大反响。文章从美国史密森学会为纪念广岛原子弹爆炸50周年展览被取消事件谈起,批评了美国国内一些人所持的历史修正主义观点以及国家文化机构为他们提供讲台的错误做法。文章同时也提到美国国会内部革新派与保守派在此问题上的分歧与妥协。作者对革新派的软弱表示了不满,指出政府必须毫不妥协地制止这种文化机构的堕落现象。 南京大屠杀事件、德国大批屠杀犹太人事件过去50周年了,当我们回顾历史时,仍有一些人在不顾事实肆意歪曲历史。History Hijacked一文无疑在某种程度上提醒人们:我们应当给历史以起码的尊重和客观公正的评价;政府在这一方面应起到积极而不是相反的作用。 Last year was the 50th anniversary of the victory in the world anti-fascist war. The United States “Time” magazine published a history Hijacked written by Charles Krauthammer on February 13 last year, which caused great repercussions. The article begins with the incident that the Smithsonian Institution commemorated the 50th anniversary of the bombing of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. It criticized the historical revisionist views held by some people in the United States and the wrong way that national cultural institutions provided them with a platform. The article also mentioned the differences and compromises between the reformists and conservatives within the US Congress on this issue. The author expressed dissatisfaction with the weakness of the reformists and pointed out that the government must uncompromisingly stop the decline of such cultural institutions. In the 50th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre and the massacre of Jews in Germany, when we look back at history, there are still some people who have distorted history irrespective of the facts. History Hijacked is undoubtedly a reminder to some extent that we should give history a minimum respect and an objective and fair evaluation; the government should play a positive but not an opposite role in this respect.
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