The Ministry of Commerce made public a bulletin on adjusting the import quotas of refined oils and t

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The Ministry of Commerce today made public its bulletin on adjusting the import quotas of refined oils, vehicle tyres and crude oils (non state-owned trade).The document, numbered as the 44th bulletin 2003, says that import quota owners of refined oils, vehicle tyres and crude oils (non state-owned trade) should, if they cannot use up the annual quotas as of the end of 2003, return the quotas to the entrusted quota The Ministry of Commerce today made public its bulletin on adjusting the import quotas of refined oils, vehicle tires and crude oils (non state-owned trade). The document, numbered as the 44th bulletin 2003, says that import quota owners of refined oils, vehicle tires and crude oils (non state-owned trade) should, if they can not use up the annual quotas as of the end of 2003, return the quotas to the entrusted quota
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