刊号:ISSN1671-7503 CN22-1044/G4邮发代号:12-85定价:12元/期全年价:144元吉林省一级期刊《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》全文收录创刊于1978年推进教育信息化的助手和参谋研究、探讨现代教育技术理论的阵地交流信息技术应用于教育教学的经验与心得的平台了解国内外现代教育技术前沿信息的窗口厂商推介产品、发布供求信息的优势媒介
Issue Number: ISSN1671-7503 CN22-1044 / G4 Postal Code: 12-85 Price: 12Yuan / Full price: 144Yuan The first issue of Jilin Province “Chinese Academic Journal (CD)” was founded in 1978 Promote the education information assistant and staff to study and discuss the position of modern educational technology theory Exchange information technology used in education and teaching experience and experience of the platform Understand the cutting-edge information technology education at home and abroad Window manufacturers to promote products, supply and demand information of the dominant media