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加强党内监督是党的执政能力建设的重要内容。邓小平同志十分重视党内监督问题,他提出要以制度建设来加强和保证党内监督,并从理论和实践两方面对党内监督制度建设做了大量工作,为党内监督工作逐步走上制度化、规范化轨道作出了重要贡献。邓小平首先从党内监督制度建设是解决思想问题,防止脱离群众的重要前提,是克服官僚主义,消除特权现象的根本途径,是充分发挥民主集中制作用的有力保障、是规范监督标准和程序,避免监督随意性的关键环节等方面,阐述了制度建设是加强党内监督的根本手段;其次,他着重构建党内监督网络,畅通监督渠道、明确监督重点,把对领导干部尤其是高级领导干部的监督作为党内监督的重中之重,健全社会监督体系,形成监督的整体合力等内容,为开展党内监督确立了制度架构;再次,他提出了要建立强有力的专职监督机构、充分发挥思想道教育等软约束机制的功能等有力措施来增强党内监督的制度效能。 Strengthening inner-party supervision is an important part of building the party’s governing ability. Comrade Deng Xiaoping attaches great importance to the issue of inner-party supervision. He proposed that we should strengthen and ensure inner-party supervision with system construction and did a great deal of work in building the inner-party supervision system both in theory and in practice, and gradually implemented the system of inner-party supervision The standardization orbit made an important contribution. First of all, from the perspective of building a system of inner-party supervision, Deng Xiaoping is an important precondition for resolving ideological problems and preventing him from getting out of the hands of the masses. It is a fundamental way to overcome bureaucracy and eliminate privileges. It is a powerful guarantee for giving full play to the role of democratic centralism and standardizing supervision standards and procedures. Secondly, he focused on building a network of intra-party supervision, smoothing the channels of supervision, clearly monitoring the key points, and giving guidance to leading cadres, especially senior leading cadres As the most important part of inner-party supervision, perfecting the system of social supervision and forming the overall force of supervision, and establishing the institutional framework for the development of inner-party supervision. Thirdly, he proposed to establish a strong full- We should give full play to powerful measures such as the function of soft restraint mechanisms such as ideological and moral education so as to enhance the system effectiveness of inner-party supervision.
青年本质是青年学的一个基本范畴,分析80年代以来对青年本质研究的成绩与不足,对于今后进行深入研究具有重要意义。 The nature of youth is a basic category of youth stu