习近平:深入总结经验 认真进行整改

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在党中央和各级党委的正确领导下,进入整改落实阶段后各地区各部门各单位普遍在继续深化学习、提高认识上下功夫,切实增强抓好整改落实的自觉性;普遍以领导班子分析检查报告为依据制定整改落实方案,努力做到“四明确一公开”;普遍集中力量解决突出问题,办了一些群众普遍期待办的实事好事;普遍对现有的各类政策措施、规章制度进行系统清理,着力建立健全有利于科学发展的体制机制;普遍把抓好整改落实同做好当前工作紧密结合起来,全力保发展、保民生、保稳定,推动经济平稳较快发展和群众生活安定。总的看,整改落实阶段前一段的工作进展顺利,取得了新的阶段性成果。 With the correct leadership of the CPC Central Committee and Party committees at all levels, all units and units in all regions and departments in various regions generally work hard to deepen their studies and raise their awareness so as to enhance their conscientiousness in carrying out the rectification and reform. The report is based on the formulation of a plan for rectification and improvement and efforts to achieve “four clear and one public”; generally concentrated on resolving outstanding problems and on the implementation of some practical and good deeds that the masses are generally expected to do; and in general, to all existing policies and measures and rules and regulations Make systematic efforts to establish and perfect institutional mechanisms that are conducive to scientific development; and generally do a good job in implementing the rectification and reform in close connection with doing a good job in the current work, and make every effort to safeguard development, ensure people’s livelihood, ensure stability, promote steady and rapid economic development and people’s livelihood . In general, the work carried out in the previous period before the rectification and improvement stage progressed smoothly and new stage results were achieved.
目的:调查北京西城区育龄妇女不良生育史的发生情况及影响因素为制定干预措施提供依据。方法:采用横断面调查,在西城区7个街道调查2 977例已分娩妇女的不良生育史及孕妇个人