
来源 :食药用菌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZXFAMD
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为了更好地推动食药用菌行业科技进步,服务产业发展,《食药用菌》编辑部将继续开展“寿仙谷杯”《食药用菌》2015年度优秀论文评选活动。优秀论文从刊于2015年《食药用菌》(共6期)上的论文中评选。现将有关事项通知如下:一、评选时间2015年底至2016年初二、论文要求1.凡主题为国内外产业动态研究分析,新菇种开发与新品种选育,新型栽培原料资源开发与高效配方研制,高效栽培模式与技术创新,工厂化栽培关键技术的研究应用,食药用菌营养生 In order to better promote scientific and technological progress of food and medicine fungus industry and development of service industry, editorial department of “Food and Drug Fungus” will continue to carry out the 2015 outstanding essay selection activity of “Shouxiangu Cup” and “Food and Drug Fungus”. Outstanding papers were selected from the papers published in 2015, “Food and Drug Use” (6 issues in total). The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows: I. Selection of the end of 2015 to the beginning of 2016 Second, the paper requirements 1. All topics for the domestic and international industry dynamic research and analysis, the development of new mushrooms and breeding of new varieties, new cultivation of raw materials resources development and efficient formula Research and development, efficient cultivation mode and technological innovation, research and application of key technologies of factory cultivation, edible and medical fungus nutritionists
德利太阳能采暖有限公司成立于1997年初,是一家集新能源技术、产品开发研制、生产服务于一体的股份制公司.经过7年的发展,现已发展为占地86 800m2,企业员工268人的中型民营企
本文从分析岩土工程勘察技术有效方式入手,提出了岩土工程勘察技术及方法的提升方法。 This article starts with analyzing the effective ways of geotechnical investiga