
来源 :档案学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dhalbert
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档案出版社成立于1982年1月,至今已经整整10年了.10年来,在国家档案局的直接领导下,在各有关部门、广大档案工作者、作者、读者的关怀和支持下,全社同志认真贯彻执行了党和国家关于出版工作的方针、政策,不仅使出版社由原来的几个人,发展到今天的近50人,年出书量为60—80种的中等规模的专业出版社,而且出了一批有较高水平和质量、社会和经济效益都比较好的书,在为繁荣和发展有中国特色的社会主义档案事业方面,在为档案学研究方面,在为社会积累科学文化财富方面都做出了贡献.10年来共出版(初版)图书353种,其中档案专业图书135种,占38%;档案史料、方志、大事记、历史专著105种,占30%;文秘图书48种,占14%;文教和其他图书64种,占18%.1986年、1988年我们还先后和中共中央办公厅秘书局、中国档案学 Archives Publishing House was established in January 1982. It has been 10 years since it was founded in 1982. Under the direct leadership of the State Archives Bureau and the care and support of all archivists, archivists, authors and readers over the past 10 years, Conscientiously implement the party and state guidelines on publishing work, policies, not only make the publishing house from the original few people, today’s nearly 50 people, the annual volume of 60-80 kinds of medium-sized professional publishing house, But also out of a number of books with a higher level and quality, and better social and economic benefits. In order to prosper and develop the socialist archives with Chinese characteristics, in the research on archival science, and in the accumulation of scientific culture for the society 353 kinds of books have been published in the past 10 years (of which 135 are archives of professional titles, accounting for 38% of the total); 105 historical documents, including historical records, local chronicle, memorabilia and historical monographs, accounting for 30%; 48 kinds of secretarial books , Accounting for 14%; 64 kinds of cultural, educational and other books, accounting for 18%. In 1986 and 1988, we also successively with the Central Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, China Archives
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<正> 中日两国有悠久的联系。据《汉书》、《魏书》记载,早在二千年前两国已经通使往来,到了盛唐时期,这种联系更加频繁。两国互相学习,互相影响,人民之间的友谊日益密切,曾
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