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根據我國第一個五年計劃的基本任務中關於「相應地培養建設人材」的要求,全國高等學校在這個時期內要擔負起培養數十萬高級建設人材的艱巨任務。要完成這樣艱巨的任務,全國高等學校必須進行許多艱巨繁雜的工作,其中最關重要的是有效地提高高等學校現有師資和大力培養新師資。爲了便於大家研究和解決這個問題,特分爲四個方面來談。一全國高等學校現有師資的基本情況和存在著的問題 一九五二年度,全國高等學校教師和學生的此例爲一(二教師)比七·一五(學生)。一九五三年度由於多留助教,教師和學生的比例將達到一比七。假如說高等學校教師和學生通常的比例爲一比十左右的話,似乎目前高等學校師資在數量上問題還不大。但是,如果進一步加以分析,就會發現下述一系列的問題。第一、高等學校目前能夠開課的教師比現有教師總數要少得多,造成這種現象有三個原因:(一)在現有教師中助教占的比重大。根據不完全的統計,一九五二年度,助教占教師總數百分之四二·二五,一九五三年度,在三二、一 According to the requirements set forth in the basic tasks of the first five-year plan of our country regarding “training personnel for development”, the national higher education institutions should shoulder the arduous task of training hundreds of thousands of top-level construction personnel during this period. To accomplish such a daunting task, the nation’s colleges and universities must carry out many arduous and complicated tasks. The most important one is to effectively improve the existing faculty at colleges and universities and vigorously train new teachers. In order to facilitate everybody to study and solve this problem, it is divided into four aspects. I. Basic Information and Existing Problems of Existing Teachers in National Institutions of Higher Learning In 1952, the number of teachers and students in higher education institutions nationwide was one (two teachers) to seven one five (students). In 1953, as a result of more teaching assistants, the ratio of teachers to students will reach one to seven. If we say that the ratio of teachers and students in colleges and universities is usually about 10 to 10, it seems that the number of teachers in institutions of higher learning is not large at present. However, if further analysis is conducted, a series of questions as follows will be found. First, the number of teachers in institutions of higher learning who can start classes at present is much smaller than the total number of existing teachers. There are three reasons for this phenomenon: (1) The proportion of teaching assistants among the existing teachers is high. According to incomplete statistics, teaching assistants accounted for 4.22% of the total number of teachers in 1952. In 1953,
(本刊讯)中国测绘学会于九月二十日召开理事会扩大会议,座谈中印边界问题,参加座谈会的有理事会负责人、专家、教授和工程师等三十余人,会议由学会理事长陈外欧同志主持。 (The J
唯心主义虽在牛津大学取得那样大的胜利,一个支持实在主义的抵抗运动却一直存在着。柯克·威尔逊(John Cook Wilson)在1899—1915年担任牛津大学逻辑学教授期间,就执着牛津
主席,各位代表: 我們這幾個月來討論了中華人民共和國憲法草案,幾天前又聽到劉少奇委員關於中華人民共和國憲法草案的報告,這個報告分析事實和解答問題均很詳盡透徹;兩天前