
来源 :水土保持通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BigWrist
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国务院颁布的《水土保持工作条例》(以下简称条例)第十四条明确指出:“水利、铁道、交通、工矿、电力等部门,在山区、丘陵区、风沙区兴建工程和进行生产时,应尽量减少破坏地貌和植被;开采土石砂料可能导致水土流失的,必须采取水土保持措施;废弃的土石、砂料、矿渣和尾砂必须妥善处理,不准倒入江河、水库;工程竣工时,取土场、开挖面等范围内的裸露土地,由施工单位负责采取植物措施和必要的工程措施,保护水土资源。”《条例》这一条已经把工矿基本建设和水土保持的关系阐述得非常清楚。一句话,要进行工矿交通基本建设,水土保持措旋必须跟上,否则,将会造成难以预料的损失,影响四化建设的顺利进行,甚至给整个社会带来极大的危害。但是,这个问题目前并未引起社会各界的足够重视。 State Council promulgated the “Soil and Water Conservation Ordinance” (hereinafter referred to as Article 14) clearly states: “Water conservancy, railways, transportation, mining, electricity and other departments in the mountains, hilly areas, wind and sand area construction and production should be Minimize the destruction of landform and vegetation; exploitation of soil and sand may lead to soil erosion, and must take soil and water conservation measures; abandoned earth and stone, sand, slag and tailings must be properly handled, not allowed to pour into rivers and reservoirs; project completion, Borrowing area, excavated surface and excavation surface, the construction unit is responsible for taking plant measures and necessary engineering measures to protect water and soil resources. ”The“ Regulations ”have already stated the relationship between industrial and mining infrastructure and soil and water conservation very well clear. In a word, it is necessary to carry out infrastructure construction for industrial and mining transportation so that soil and water conservation measures must be followed up. Otherwise, it will cause unpredictable losses, affect the smooth progress of the four modernizations and even bring great harm to society as a whole. However, this issue has not caused enough attention from all sectors of society so far.
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