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沈阳飞机制造公司坚特科学技术为国防建设和国民经济建设服务,认真贯彻执行“科研先行”的方针,大搞科研与技术攻关活动,在高、新技术领域中取得了丰硕成果,1980年迄今共取得1176项科技成果。通过鉴定或专家评审的重大科技成果就有104项,其中被评为国家、部委级的有96项;被评为省市级的有8项。军工产品某型全天候飞机荣获1986年航空工业部优质产品称号,在我国航空工业史上整机被评为优质产品还是第一次。民用新产品有19项分别获得国家、部、省、市优质产品称号,其中具有世界先进技术水平的B—83型乒乓球发射机于1985年获国家金质奖;FMYC风扇式磨煤机、叶轮液压拆装机于1988年11月获国家银质奖,为国内电力配套设备填补了一项技术空白。 Shenyang Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Gent special science and technology services for national defense construction and national economic construction, conscientiously implement the principle of “research first”, vigorously engage in scientific research and technological research activities, and achieved fruitful results in the fields of high and new technologies. A total of 1176 scientific and technological achievements have been obtained. There were 104 major scientific and technological achievements that passed the appraisal or expert review, of which 96 were rated as national and ministry-level; 8 were rated as provincial and municipal. Military Products A type of all-weather aircraft won the title of Quality Product of the Ministry of Aeronautics and Industry in 1986. In the history of aviation industry in China, it was the first time that the entire aircraft was rated as a quality product. There are 19 new products for civil use that have won national, ministry, provincial, and municipal quality product titles. Among them, the B-83 type table tennis transmitter with world-class technology has won the National Gold Award in 1985; FMYC fan type coal mill, The hydraulic impeller changer won the national silver award in November 1988, filling a technical gap for domestic power equipment.
在广州召开的第五届全国铸造材料、仪器及设备展销会于1989年4月9日圆满结束. The Fifth National Exhibition for Foundry Materials, Instruments and Equipment held in
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[54]发明名称 泵 [51]Int.Ci.~4F04B 19/24 [21]申请号 85 1 05320 [22]申请日 85.7.11 [30]优先权 [32]85.1.22[33]澳大利亚[31]PG8989 [71]申请人 达罗尔 地址 澳大利洲西