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“5·12”汶川地震11周年,震中映秀煥新颜New look of Yingxiu 11years after 512 Wenchuan Earthquake(东方IC 供图)

  The history of human’s expansion activities is also a process of integration and struggle between human and nature. About 2,000 years ago, Pompeii was ruined by volcanic eruption; in 2004, a major earthquake of 8.7 magnitude happened in sea area of Aceh, Sumatra in north of Indonesia, triggering strong tsunami; on May 12, 2008, the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake jolted China; in January 2010, a landslide happened in Attabad Lake, Gojal Valley in north of Pakistan, submerging several villages and part of China-Pakistan highway. Among those disasters, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake was the most devastating. In this connection, the State Council approved May 12 as “Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day” since 2009.
  Judging from the geological structure and plate activity, countries and regions along the Belt and Road (the route) have complex geological structure and frequent seismic activity. These, plus impacts of monsoon climate and intensive and strong precipitation, make those countries and regions vulnerable to earthquake and other natural disasters of geology, meteorology, and marine. According to disaster database of the UN, the relative disaster loss of countries and regions along the route is more than two times of global average, and the disaster mortality is far higher than global average. Moreover, those of South Asia and East Asia are 10 times above global average.
  Most of these countries are developing ones. So, what should they do to enhance the capacity of disaster prevention and mitigation and meet local demands for security of economic and social development? What measures should they take to act together and launch more effective disaster prevention and mitigation activities?   On May 11-12, at International Conference on Silk Road Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development, some 780-plus experts and scholars from 40-plus countries and regions gathered in Beijing International Convention Center. They offered suggestions and insights on how to tackle with the common disaster mitigation demands of countries and regions along the route, implement the UN’s Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, Paris Agreement, and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and how to co-build a coordinated technological disaster mitigation mechanism together with global partners.





“一带一路”防灾减灾与可持续发展国际学术大会International Conference on Silk-road Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development



  为此,在此次学术大会上,由中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所、四川大学灾后重建与管理学院、中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所共同发起的国际减灾科学联盟正式成立。同时,参会的中外科学家还共同发表了《“一带一路”防灾减灾与可持续发展北京宣言》,提出将共同致力于加强科技及政策交流,推进构建“一带一路”自然灾害风险防范协同机制。   早在2013年,中国科学院成都山地灾害与环境研究所就与意大利国家研究委员会水文地质灾害防治研究所达成共识,建立中意山地灾害联合实验室。实验室建成后,先后开展了“滑坡、泥石流监测与风险管理”等项目研究,为双边紧密合作与交流,加强泥石流、滑坡等山地灾害防治的研究工作打下了坚实基础。

观点分享Shared Insights

  Bai Chunli, President of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Chairman of Alliance of International Science Organizations in the Belt and Road Region:
  Scientific and technological innovations are of great significance to countries and regions along the route as they seek to tackle with major natural disasters and risks, protect ecological environment and security, and realize economic prosperity and sustainable development of the international community. As a national technological player in China, CAS is duty-bound to offer intelligence and power for the efforts of building a secure, green, sustainable Belt and Road.
  Cui Peng, Academician of CAS:
  Silk Road is a route for cultural fusion between China and the West. Yet this region is vulnerable to varied and frequent natural disasters, which means risks to human safety and social, economic development. Therefore, disaster prevention and mitigation is the basic demand of the region. By hosting the conference, we hope to enhance our capacity in coping with disasters through international cooperation.
  Huang Runqiu, Vice Minister of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China (MEE):
  Because of the intense tectonic movement, fragile ecological environment, and frequent extreme climate events, many regions along the route suffer from severe threats of various geological disasters. Therefore, we should join hands to intensify scientific and technological cooperation, and share our scientific and technological results, in a way to build a more effective disaster mitigation platform.
  Fu Bojie, Vice President of International Geographical Union:   From the perspective of sustainable development, we hope to intensify technological exchanges with countries and regions along the route on disaster prevention and mitigation and disaster and risk management. We should deepen research cooperation, give further play to the role of geographical science and academic organizations, and make people learn more about and cope with disasters and risks.
  Zhu Ying, General Manager of China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd.:
  With disaster prevention and mitigation as a starting point, the efforts of pushing for the Initiative can help prevent and reduce the impacts of natural disasters, safeguard orderly international trade and economic cooperation, motivate the further development of the Initiative, and contribute to closer people-to-people bond among countries along the route and deepen their mutual trust and friendship.
  Liu Hanning, Deputy Head of Technology and Informatization Department of China Railway Group Limited:
  It is of great significance for us to launch disaster prevention and mitigation research and international cooperation in countries and regions along the route, establish disaster risk awareness and comprehensive concept of disaster prevention and mitigation, intensify communication, exchange and cooperation among these countries on disaster prevention and mitigation, set up monitoring and joint prevention mechanism of natural disasters, and enhance the capacity of these countries in tackling with natural disasters and risks.
  Henrik Slotte, Chief of the Crisis Management Branch of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP):
  Climate change and disasters are common concerns for global community. We hope international scientific community work together to cope with the impacts of disasters and climate change, share results of scientific and technological innovations, and reduce the risks of various disasters and risks, so as to contribute intelligence and power for sustainable economic and social development worldwide and for the safety of mankind’s production and life.
  Timothy Wilcox, Head of UNISDR’s Sub-Regional Office in the Pacific:
  Via this Conference, we expect multi-disciplinary research in natural disaster and risk management. We should provide new solutions for countries to tackle with disasters and risks, so as to gradually realize global disaster mitigation goals of 2030.
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2019年,四川外贸达到历史最好水平,全省实现货物进出口总额6765.9亿元,进出口规模居全国第10位,同比增长13.8%,高于同期全国整体进出口增幅。其中,四川对“一带一路”沿线国家进出口达1979.9亿元,同比增长20%。   新年伊始,在成都海关新闻发布会上,一组组上扬的数据将四川2019年经济发展的硕果“端”了出来。数据上扬的背后,是四川立体全面开放建设所释放的巨大红利。   自中共四川省
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五年多来,“一带一路”建设波澜壮阔,“一带一路”研究成果收获颇丰。其中,持续性是“一带一路”研究中的冷点、难点,由中国现代国际关系研究院傅梦孜副院长专著的《“一带一路”建设的持续性》一书聚焦这一选题,围绕“持续性”,从历史、经济和政治三个学科视角,解读“一带一路”诞生的历史必然性,构建“一带一路”可持续发展的理论框架,憧憬“一带一路”的光明前景。  作者通过挖掘中外历史文献,采取历史分析方法,不仅