Eighy-one CTD profiles gathered in springtime were used for northem East China Sea tbermohalinefinestructure studies indicating that the finestructure properties vaned with region and depth, as shown infinesructure specra, distribution of Cox numbers etc..Some results closely wiated to distribution of watermasses and Analysis of two typical profiles revealed differenes in autospectra of temperature,salihity and potential density gradients, probobility distribution of temperature finestructure gradient,Cox numberc.etc. The probability density function of vertical temperature gradients, which varied withsample interval, is given. The variances of temperatare finestructare gradient are used to estimate the lat-eral diffusivity and lateral temperatare flux, which were 10.3 (m~2/s) and 5.5×10~(-4) (℃ m/s),respectivly.
Eighy-one CTD profiles gathered in springtime were used for northem East China Sea tbermohalinefinestructure studies indicating that the finestructure properties vaned with region and depth, as shown inf infinity ructure specra, distribution of Cox numbers etc..Some results closely wiated to distribution of watermasses and analyzes of two typical profiles revealed differenes in autospectra of temperature, salihity and potential density gradients, probobility distribution of temperature finestructure gradient, Cox numberc. etc. The probability density function of vertical temperature gradients, which varied withsample interval, is given. The variances of temperatare finestructare gradient are used to estimate the lat-eral diffusivity and lateral temperare flux, which were 10.3 (m ~ 2 / s) and 5.5 × 10 ~ (-4) (℃ m / s), respectivly.