
来源 :黑龙江政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunliu168
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同志们:今天,我们在这里召开纪念《黑龙江政报》创刊50周年大会,首先,请允许我代表黑龙江省人民政府向这次大会的召开和政报创刊50周年表示热烈地祝贺!50年前,遵照中央人民政府政务院的指示,黑龙江省人民政府创办了《黑龙江政报》。这是全省政务工作的一件大事。50年来,《黑龙江政报》伴随着中华人民共和国的不断发展而发展,现在,已成为省政府发布政令的重要工具,政府联系群众的重要渠道,全省各级政府工作人员和基层干部群众的良师益友,在我省各项事业的发展中发挥了重要作用。在此,我代 Comrades: Today, here we hold a conference to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of the Heilongjiang Gazette. First, allow me, on behalf of the Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Government, to warmly congratulate the convening of this conference and the 50th anniversary of the founding of the political power. , In accordance with the instructions of the Central People’s Government’s State Council, Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Government founded the Heilongjiang Bulletin. This is a major event for the province’s government affairs. Over the past 50 years, the “Heilongjiang Gazette” has developed along with the continuous development of the People’s Republic of China. Now it has become an important tool for the provincial government to issue government decrees and an important channel for the government to contact the masses. The government staff at all levels in the province and the grassroots cadres and masses Mentors and mentors, in the development of various undertakings in our province has played an important role. Here, I’m on this behalf
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Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to our reception today. May I say a few words about the cooperationbetween the Chinese People’s Association forFriendship with F