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2007年9月4日,由国家电网公司、中国新闻社共同主办的“国家电网杯‘同一个世界同一个梦想’全球华人迎奥运征文”活动在四川成都“第四届世界华文传媒论坛”上正式启动。活动得到了《人民日报》、《光明日报》、中央电视台、《新华社每日电讯》、中国新闻网等多家中央主要新闻媒体和来自美洲、欧洲、大洋洲、亚洲的50多家知名华文媒体的关注。活动正式启动后,各地稿件纷至沓来。在目前的投稿作者中,年龄最大的88岁,年龄最小的仅8岁。一位云南腾冲的作者在征文中写道:“感谢国家电网公司和中国新闻社举行这次征文活动,让我们有机会表达奥运心声,说出我们的奥运故事。”在来稿中,有的为如何通过奥运提高国民素质提建议,有的讲述奥运带来的新变化和自己身边的新鲜事,有的通过诗作、摄影、漫画等创作形式,表达欣喜之情,为祖国的强大昌盛喝彩。篇篇来稿凝聚着全球华人关注奥运、支持奥运的心声和愿望,体现了全世界炎黄子孙巨大的向心力和凝聚力。明年6月,征文活动将举行颁奖典礼,体现征文活动的生机与活力,进一步激发公众参与奥运、分享奥运的热情,增强北京2008年奥运会的世界影响力。 September 4, 2007, co-sponsored by State Grid Corporation of China and China National Press Agency, “China Grid Cup” One World with One Dream, Global Chinese Welcomes Olympic Games, “” Activities in Chengdu, Sichuan Province “ Forum ”on the official start. The event was supported by a number of major central news outlets such as People’s Daily, Guangming Daily, CCTV, Xinhua News Agency Daily Telegraph and China News, as well as more than 50 well-known Chinese media from the Americas, Europe, Oceania and Asia s concern. After the official launch of the event, lots of manuscripts came in after another. Among the current contributors, the youngest is 88, and the youngest is only 8. An author from Yunnan Tengchong wrote in the essay: “We are grateful to SGCC and China News Agency for holding this essay event, giving us an opportunity to express the Olympic Games and tell our story about the Olympics.” In the contributions, there are Some suggestions on how to improve the quality of the Chinese nation through the Olympic Games. Some tell us about the new changes brought by the Olympics and the new things around them. Some express the joy of ecstasy through the creative forms such as poetry, photography and comic books, and cheer for the prosperity of the motherland . The contributions of these articles embody the voices and aspirations of the Chinese people in the world who are concerned about the Olympics and support the Olympic Games and embody the tremendous solidarity and cohesion of the progeny of the world. In June next year, the essay activities will be held at awards ceremony, reflecting the vigor and vitality of the essay activities to further stimulate public participation in the Olympic Games, share the enthusiasm for the Olympic Games and enhance the global influence of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
艺术。艺术?艺术! 仿佛从昆仑山上走来的神话,很美,也离我们很远;又像是姥姥的粥,很稠、很香、很近。不懂艺术的我看不懂那些穿 art. Art? Art! It seems that the myths f
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