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引子凡是了解内蒙古扎鲁特旗历史的人,都知道琶杰、毛依罕不仅是扎鲁特旗的名人,而且是全国乃至全世界的曲艺大师。琶杰根据民间英雄格斯尔事迹撰写的600万字长篇叙述诗《琶杰格斯尔》于1989年由北京民族出版社出版。1991年7月,在全国《格斯尔》研究会上,国家民委、文化部、中国社会科学院、中国民间文学研究会授予他曲艺大师称号。由于二位大师的功劳,扎鲁特旗才有了全国曲艺之乡的美称。而每逢清明节这天,都会有一位年过半百,身体健壮,精神矍铄的老者,手持四胡,抱着几本书来到琶杰和毛依罕的碑前,首先恭恭敬敬地向两位大师鞠上一躬,然后用洁白的哈达托着几本书呈敬在碑前,拉上四胡,用蒙古语唱上一段乌力格尔或好来宝。这位老者为什么在这碑前尽情豪放,只有那些知情的人才清楚,这是扎鲁特旗文联主席拉西敖斯尔来祭奠他的伯父琶杰大师来了:伯父,今天我又看望你来了,摆放在你面前的是我最近几年在全国、全区获奖出版的好来宝集和歌曲集,我没有辜负你的期望,扎鲁特没玷污你们创下的全国曲艺之乡的荣誉。随着悠扬的琴声,仿佛隐隐约约出现了巍巍罕山和罕山脚下那潺潺东去的霍林河水;琴声追逐着白云,嬉戏着花草,拂过历史的风烟,拂过广袤的草原,沿着勒勒车那古老的印辙,驶进悠悠岁月…… Anyone who understands the history of Zhalute Banner in Inner Mongolia knows that the Pagjie, Mao Yihan is not only a celebrity of Zhalute Banner, but also a master of folk art all over the country and the world. Pajie written according to the story of Gerser, a hero of six million words long narrative poem “Pajiege Sier” in 1989 by the Beijing Nationalities Publishing House. In 1991 July, in the national “Geshier” seminar, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, Ministry of culture, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chinese folk literature research will grant him the title of master of folk art. Due to the merits of the two masters, Zhalute Banner has the reputation of the hometown of folk art. On the day of Ching Ming Festival, there will be an old man who is over half a hundred years old, of good health and spirit, holding four signets and holding a few books to the front of the Pagoda and Mao Yihan. First, respectfully, The two masters bowed to the bow, and then, using the white Hatatow with a few books honored in front of the forehead, pulled up the four benets and sang Uighur or the Good Luck in Mongolian. Why is this old man in front of this monument enjoyable, and only those who know the informed, this is the Zalut Banner Literary Chairman Rasai Aoser to pay homage to his uncle Master Pajie came: uncle, I see you again today, put Put in front of you is in my country in recent years, the region has won the award-winning publication and collection of good to treasure set, I did not live up to your expectations, Zalut did not tarnish you hit the national folk art town honor. With the melodious melody, as if vaguely appeared in the towering Han Shan and Han Shan at the foot of the gurgling east of the Huolin River; piano chasing the clouds, playing with flowers, brushing the history of the wind and smoke, blowing through the vast Prairie, along the ancient car rut Le Che vehicle, into a long time ... ...
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