夯实基础 齐头并进

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精神文明建设在人行建水县支行从“认识——再认识”有一个渐进的过程,1995年支行党组提出“以思想建设为先导,经济建设为中心,班子队伍建设为根本,制度建设为基础,开展各项工作为前提”的精神文明建设整体思路。十四届六中全会以后,又提出了精神文明建设要摆正位置的要求,通过两年来的认真落实,真抓实干,确实收到了较好的效果。精神文明建设关键在领导,1995年以前,我们注重抓业务工作,对“两个文明”建设互相促进、相得益彰的关系重视不够。根据州分行倡导的争先创优、建家兴行的要求,我们提炼了“爱行敬业,务实创新、廉洁奉献,严格高效”的支行精神和“务实建行、管理兴行”的治行原则。在此基础上提出了创一流支行的方 Spiritual civilization construction in the People’s Bank branch Jianshui from “understanding - re-understanding ” there is a gradual process in 1995 sub-branch proposed “to the ideological construction as the guide, economic construction as the center, the team building as the fundamental system Construction as the basis for carrying out various tasks as a prerequisite ”of the overall idea of ​​building a spiritual civilization. After the Sixth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Central Government held the Sixth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, they also put forth the requirement of setting a correct position for the building of a spiritual civilization. They have indeed achieved good results through earnest implementation in the past two years. The key to building a spiritual civilization lies in leadership. Before 1995, we paid more attention to our work in the field of our work and did not pay enough attention to the relationship of promoting the two civilizations and complementing each other. According to the requirements advocated by the state branches for excellence and building a prosperous family, we have refined the spirit of “loving dedication, pragmatic innovation, honesty and dedication, strictness and high efficiency” and “pragmatic construction and management development”. Governance principle. On this basis, put forward a party to create first-rate sub-branch
蜗wō牛niú说shuō——  我wǒ是shì一yì只zhī蜗wō牛niú  矮ǎi墙qiánɡ头tóu上shànɡ  绿lǜ叶yè丛cónɡ中zhōnɡ  到dào处chù去qù旅lǚ游yóu  我wǒ是shì一yì只zhī蜗wō牛niú  驮tuó着zhe房fánɡ子zi走zǒu  别bié人ren总zǒnɡ说shuō我wǒ  走zǒu路lù慢màn悠yōu悠yōu  我wǒ是shì一yì只z
1 病例 女,58岁。突起头昏、头痛、呕吐2小时,不省人事1小时而于1998年5月1日入院。查体:神志不清,但对疼痛刺激有反应,角膜反射存在。双侧瞳孔散大,直径约0.4cm,光反射消失。右上下肢Ⅱ~Ⅲ级瘫痪,双