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所谓修养可理解为一种理想的精神人格及达到这种人格的主观努力,即理想精神人格的塑造。党员干部的修养当然是指党员干部的精神人格的塑造。方志敏、叶挺、王若飞等一大批党员干部在革命斗争中为什么会大智大勇、临危不惧、视死如归?因为他们在党的培养下,在长期的革命实践中已形成了完美的精神人格,这种人格在特定情况下就外化为其英雄事迹。然而在市场经济大潮和西方没落思潮的冲击下,个别党员干部受拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义和资产阶级腐朽生活方式的侵蚀,其内在精神人格崩溃,从而导致腐化堕落。千里之堤,毁于蚁穴。如长 The so-called accomplishment can be understood as an ideal mental personality and subjective efforts to achieve such a personality, that is, the ideal spirit of personality shaping. The accomplishment of party members and cadres certainly refers to the shaping of the spiritual personality of party members and cadres. Since Fang Zhimin, Ye Ting and Wang Ruofei, a large number of party members and cadres in the revolutionary struggle are wise and brave in their revolutionary struggle, they are just going to die in their deathbed. Because they have formed a perfect spiritual personality in the long-term revolutionary practice under the party’s training, Under certain circumstances, it is externalized as its heroic deeds. However, under the impact of the tide of market economy and the declining trend of the West, individual party members and cadres were eroded by the money-worship, hedonism, extreme individualism and the decadent life style of the bourgeoisie, resulting in the collapse of their inner spiritual personality, leading to corruption and degradation. Thousands of miles of the embankment, destroyed by ants. As long
AMONG contemporaries of NewChina, I am but an ordinary woman. Ihave experienced hardships and so has themotherland. On November 26, 1949 I was born,when the co