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  Jade Emperor’s birthday was coming. He wanted to measure time to know how old he was.
  All the animals arrived. The Emperor decided to have a competition to give a name to each year of the Chinese Zodiac1.
  The rat and the cat couldn’t swim very well. They said to the ox, “Can you take us across the river?”
  “Yes, jump and quick!”
  They swam across the river. Then the rat pushed the cat into the water and jumped onto land.
  “Well done, rat!The first year will be the Year of the Rat and the second will be the Year of the Ox.”
  “Look!Here’s the tiger. The third year will be the Year of the Tiger.”
  “The rabbit can’t swim but it’s very clever. The fourth year will be the Year of the Rabbit.”
  “Why are you late, dragon? You can fly!”
  “I had to make some rain for thirsty people to drink.”
  “Well done! The fifth year is the Year of the Dragon.”
  “What’s this? I can hear a horse. No, it’s a snake. So the sixth year was the Year of Snake.”
  “Well done!It is good to see you working
  together!The goat is the eighth, the monkey is the ninth and rooster2 is the tenth.”
  “Sorry, I’m late. The water is clean and I needed a bath.” the dog said.
  “The eleventh is the Year of the Dog.”
  “You are the last.”
  “Yes, I had to eat and sleep on the way.” the pig explained.
  “The last is the Year of the Pig.”
  And that is how the Emperor chose twelve animals for Chinese Zodiac.
Fossil1 experts2 found what they think is the most dangerous place in the history of Earth. It is not a crime-ridden3 area or a war zone. It is an area of the Sahara Desert near the Morocco-Algeria bo
Nearly 400 A-level tourist attractions in Hubei province will open to visitors from across this country for free starting from Auguest 8 till the end of the year.  从8月8日起至今年年底,湖北省将有近400個A级景区免费向全国游客开放。
1. One day, Hans is going to give a talk. He looks for his materials in his study. 一天,汉斯要去做个演讲,在书房里寻找资料。
It is very important for us all to keep healthy. But do you know the ways to keep us healthy?  Firstly, we need to keep healthy eating habits. We can eat lots of vegetables and fresh fruit, but we’d b
摘要:课堂是教师与学生共同成长的生命时空,而“对话”则是课堂教学基本的活动方式。我们要尊重学生,促进平等对话;情境激疑,引导生本对话;沟通合作,促进生生对话;操作探究,引发实验对话;启发反思,内化自我对话。让课堂真正洋溢着生命的色彩,充满活力和魅力。  关键词:对话过程;生命课堂;构建  文章编号:1008-0546(2012)06-0038-02    中图分类号:G632.41    文献标识
【新目标英语七年级(下)STEP BY STEP  随堂通Unit 9答案】  一、1~5 CBCAB 6~10 BCBAC  二、1~5 FTFFT  三、1~5 BCFAD  四、1. He is tall and of medium build.  2. 他每天早上很早起床,然后阅读晨报。  3. He also likes playing chess.  4. 他从不和我下象棋。  5.
摘要:文章试图以推广使用“三案·六环节”教学模式为打造高效课堂的主要抓手,优化学科教学流程,向过程要效益,以课堂演示实验和习题介入为突破口,让演示实验在化学教学中充分发挥其作用,从而真正提高课堂教学效率。  关键词:三案;六环节;减负增效;演示实验  文章编号:1008-0546(2014)05-0048-02 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B  doi:10.3969/j.issn.10
The rain fell so hard that I wondered if it was pebbles1 instead of rain that fell on my head. I walked faster through the empty streets of New York. I lost in my thoughts and I even didn’t notice som
摘要:文章基于人教版、苏教版和鲁科版《有机化学》教材的研究,主要解决中学有机化学教学中遇到的结构和图形图像绘制难题,借助常见的化学绘图软件Chemsketch12.0,以3个版本教材为实例,力图解决制约有机化学结构和图形图像绘制难题。并在实践操作中给出处理的方法、程序和过程帮助学习、体会,该软件简单实用且科学性和可操作性强。  关键词:结构;图形图像;Chemsketch12.0软件;绘制  文章
自我暗示法  法国大作家大仲马说过:“人生是一串由无数的烦恼组成的念珠,达观的人总是笑着念完这串念珠的。”在我们的生活中到处充满着自我暗示法,例如,清晨你对着镜子梳洗打扮一下,如果看到自己的脸色很好,往往心情舒畅,这就是一种自我暗示。假如你是一位正处于“考试焦虑”的临考中学生,你恰恰听说你的同学通过自我保健,考试焦虑情绪很快消失,你就会想,我也一定会告别“考试焦虑情绪”,做一个真正健康的人。  睡