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美国政府的页岩油气储量公告使人莫衷一是,但无论真假,都会影响在美投资页岩油气时的资金甚至运营安全。美国政、商及媒体围绕着页岩油气开发不断上演着双簧,使“撒谎”和“圆谎”成为其“页岩气革命”的曲牌,不仅丧失了美国一贯的科学严谨之学风,也使美国企业家的创新精神光鲜退色,并给市场带来巨大的投资风险。今年5月,美国能源信息署(EIA)将位于加利福尼亚州的美国当前最大页岩油带蒙特利(Monterey)的技术可采储量从137亿桶调降至6亿桶,降幅达96%。其发言人Jonathan The announcement of the U.S. government’s shale oil and gas reserves is mixed, but whether it is true or not, it will affect the capital and even operational safety of shale oil and gas when it invests in the United States. The U.S. politicians, businessmen and the media have continuously performed double-reeds around the development of shale oil and gas, making “lie” and “lie lie” their tunes in “shale gas revolution.” They have not only lost the United States’ consistent scientific rigor The style of study also faded the entrepreneurial spirit of innovation in the United States and brought huge investment risks to the market. In May, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) cut the technical recoverable reserves of Monterey, the nation’s largest shale oil strip in the United States, from 137 billion barrels to 600 million barrels a 96% decline. Its spokesman, Jonathan
Photosensitizer(photosan)-encapsulated micelles were prepared by self-assembly of Photosan with two amphiphilic polysaccharide derivatives, including the choles
探讨了图书馆精神的内涵,指出了图书馆职业精神包括的主要内容以及图书馆的职业精神的弘扬。 Explores the connotation of the library spirit, points out the main conte
患者男,40岁,入院诊断为右下肺炎.予生理盐水+青霉素800万U静脉滴注,每日1次.青霉素皮试阴性后,第1日输液过程无不良反应.第2日输液20 min后,患者烦躁不安,觉胸闷气短、呼吸困难、四肢发凉,立即停止输液,测血压60/30 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa),双肺可闻及哮鸣音,心音低钝.立即予吸氧,0.1%肾上腺素1 ml皮下注射,非那根12.5 mg肌内注射,5%葡萄糖液2
Q fever is an uncommon zoonotic rickettsial disease with no exanthem or speci fic cutaneous lesions. Only nonspecific cutaneous involvement has been reported to