Pure cotton Paul Baozhuang method is to “Bao Chun Bao Zhuang, the low generation of sealed refrigerated storage, isolation and isolation of protozoa,” the completion of the various components of the assembly, the method is to absorb foreign cotton breeding self-protection of pure Experience, combined with the local air-dry, high temperature and low humidity, long-term storage of cotton species does not reduce the viability, non-deterioration of the favorable conditions, through continuous practice summed up a new set of good cotton propagation techniques. One of the local cold storage of dry stock, the content of the original batch of refined batch is the first time in China, and the implementation of long-term dry storage in the Turpan Basin cotton seed does not affect the viability of the phenomenon, although it has long been found, but for Seed multiplication, used for large area production is first presented in this result. In the selfing method, the possibility of cross-pollination is completely blocked by replacing the crown with a bag of flowers in the bag or by binding the crown. Which increases the purity of the self-crossed single plants and improves the purity of the original ones. The practical application of the method shows that the superiority of the original cultivars can be effectively maintained, which is more simple and convenient than the traditional three-cropping system. A one-time seed production, labor-saving provinces, to meet the large area of cotton seed.