
来源 :现代交际 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aidam
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我们中文系有一门可有可无的课——人际交往。那时候,我们班很多人都有过逃课的记录,但惟独这门课我们从不缺席。 教这门课的教授姓文,他博学多才,课讲得栩栩如生,让我们受益匪浅。 毕业前的最后一课,学校安排考试,但文教授没有拿试卷,却给我们带来一个故事。 有这么一位少年,他出生在文化大革命时期,他的父亲是大学老师。因为一些莫须有的罪名,他成了批斗的对象。原本殷实富裕其乐融融的家也在一夜之间风雨飘摇。 Our Chinese department has an optional course - interpersonal communication. At that time, many people in our class had skipped class records, but we never missed the class. Teach the class name of the professor surnamed text, he learned a lot, the class speak life, let us benefit. The last lesson before graduation, the school arranged for the exam, but Professor did not take papers, but it gives us a story. There is such a boy, he was born during the Cultural Revolution, his father is a college teacher. Because of some unwarranted charges, he became the object of criticism. The well-to-do rich well-being of home also overnight stormy.
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