Theoretical study on the size consistency of the second and third order energies of the multireferen

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The size consistency of the second and third order energies of the multireference perturbation theory(Chen F, Davidson E, Iwata S. Int J Quant Chem, 2002, 86: 256) is investigated theoretically with a su-per-molecular model composed of N-hydrogen molecules separated by a large distance. It is found that the two perturbation series corresponding to two Hamiltonian partitions are not size consistent at the second and third order. However, two size consistent forms are suggested for two Hamiltonian parti-tions at the second order, if some approximations to the denominators of the original second order energies are assumed. The size consistency of the second and third order energies of the multireference perturbation theory (Chen F, Davidson E, Iwata S. Int J Quant Chem, 2002, 86: 256) is investigated theoretically with a su-per-molecular model composed of N -hydrogen molecules separated by a large distance. It is found that the two perturbation series corresponding to two Hamiltonian partitions are not size consistent at the second and third order. However, two size consistent forms are suggested for two Hamiltonian parti- tions at the second order, if some approximations to the denominators of the original second order energies are assumed.
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