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增设副洞、结合涂蜡,是在土窑洞加简易气调的基础上发展的一项简易有效的贮藏苹果新技术。增设副洞是为了更加有效的利用外界冷源。原来的土窑洞贮藏技术,在外界气温低于—6℃时便不能再直接通风。据统计,在北京地区低于—6℃的天数,1986~1987年度为55天,1989~1990年度为42天,平均48.5天。为使宝贵的外界冷源不致白白浪费,我们在主洞两侧各设一高2.5米、宽1.0米的副洞。当外界气温低于—6°时,关闭主洞,利用副洞充分通风,使周围土体最大限度的降温。事实证明,增设副洞后主洞内的温度在贮存前期 The addition of auxiliary holes, combined with wax coating, is a simple and effective new technology for storing apple developed on the base of simple and elegant tone of soil cave. Additional auxiliary hole is to more effectively use the external cold source. The original soil cave storage technology, when the outside temperature is below -6 ℃ can no longer be directly ventilated. According to statistics, the number of days below -6 ℃ in Beijing is 55 days in 1986-1987 and 42 days in 1989-90, an average of 48.5 days. In order not to waste precious outside cold sources, we set up a 2.5-meter-high and 1.0-meter-wide side holes on each side of the main tunnel. When the outside temperature is below -6 °, close the main hole, the use of vice-vent enough ventilation, so that the surrounding soil maximum cooling. Facts have proved that the main hole after the addition of Vice-hole temperature in the pre-storage
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在Marcus Hawkins的讲解下,踏实掌握直方图的使用方法,从容应对任何拍摄场景。我是摄影新手:什么是直方图,它有什么用?直方图是一张画面影调或亮度范围的图形化指示。在相机