
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pb8
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Background-Femoropopliteal percutaneous transluminal angioplasty(PTA) remains limited by restenosis. Although vascular brachytherapy may be effective in reducing restenosis, external beam radiation would be more practical to administer after PTA. Methods and Results-After femoropopliteal PTA without stent placement, 99 patients were randomly assigned to 0 Gy(placebo; n=24), 7 Gy(n=24), 10.5 Gy(n=26), or 14 Gy(n=25) of external beam radiation of the PTA site(with a 3-cm margin at both extremities) in 1 session 24 hours after PTA. The primary end point was minimum lumen diameter on quantitative angiography 1 year after PTA. One year after PTA, the mean minimum lumen diameter was 1.92, 1.64, 1.92, and 2.91 mm, respectively, for the 0-, 7-, 10.5-, and 14-Gy groups(P=0.0072 for 0 versus 14 Gy). Mean luminal loss was 1.14, 1.27, 1.08, and 0.14 mm, respectively, for the 4 groups(P=0.0072 for 0 versus 14 Gy). Restenosis >50%was present in 50%, 65%, 48%, and 25%of patients, respectively, for the 0-, 7-, 10.5-, and 14-Gy groups(P=0.072). At 18 months, repeated revascularizations were required in 25%of patients in the 0-Gy group versus 12%of patients in the 14-Gy group(P=0.24). Conclusions-A single session of external beam radiation of 14 Gy of the femoropopliteal angioplasty site significantly reduces restenosis at 1 year. Background-Femoropopliteal percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) remains limited by restenosis. Although vascular brachyrapy may be effective in reducing restenosis, external beam radiation would be more practical for administer after PTA. Methods and Results-After femoropopliteal PTA without stent placement, 99 patients were randomly assigned to 0 Gy (placebo; n = 24), 7 Gy (n = 24), 10.5 Gy (n = 26), or 14 Gy (n = 25) of external beam radiation of the PTA site cm margin at both extremities) 1 session 24 hours after PTA. The primary end point was minimum lumen diameter on quantitative angiography 1 year after PTA. One year after PTA, the mean minimum lumen diameter was 1.92, 1.64, 1.92, and 2.91 mm , respectively, for the 0-, 7-, 10.5-, and 14-Gy groups (P = 0.0072 for 0 versus 14 Gy). Mean luminal loss was 1.14, 1.27, 1.08, and 0.14 mm, respectively, for the 4 groups (P = 0.0072 for 0 versus 14 Gy) Restenosis> 50% was present in 50%, 65%, 48%, and 25% of patients, respectively, for th At 18 months, repeated revascularizations were required in 25% of patients in the 0-Gy group versus 12% of patients in the 14-Gy (P = 0.072) group (P = 0.24). Conclusions-A single session of external beam radiation of 14 Gy of the femoropopliteal angioplasty site significantly reduces restenosis at 1 year.
著名科学家严济慈,是德高望重的中国光学研究和光学仪器研制工作的重要奠基人。他一生追求真理,爱国情深,以“探索未知,发展科学”为己任。在上世纪30年代时他就说过:要努力让科学在中国生根。尤为令人钦佩的是,他很早就追随中国共产党而矢志不渝,最终以80岁高龄加入中国共产党。这位著名科学家对党组织的追求,在某种程度上集中代表了我国知识分子对共产党的充分信任、尊崇和热爱。  (一)  做人的首要之处,就是要