很早以前就听过苏联卫国战争时期 17勇士保卫莫斯科的故事 :苏军与德国鏖战于莫斯科城下。多少天来 ,苏军战士忍冻挨饿 ,坚守在冰天雪地的战壕中 ,他们期盼着面包 ,哪怕能有一点热汤喝也好……一天 ,一个身影出现在战壕里面 ,原来是文化馆的保管员扛着一只大木箱来到苏军战士面
Long heard of the story of 17 warriors defending Moscow during the Soviet Union’s Patriotic War: The Soviet army clashed with Germany in the city of Moscow. For days, Soviet fighters were hungry and hungry in the icy trenches, looking forward to bread, even if they could drink a little hot soup ... One day, a figure appeared in the trenches, which turned out to be the custody of the cultural center Staff carrying a large wooden box to the Soviet soldiers face