苏联《军事历史杂志》1988年第11期,刊载一篇文章,指出: 美国民众尤其青年学生对军事历史的兴趣愈来愈浓。近10年来,美国高等学校中研究这一学科的学者增加了两倍。在越南战争期间,美国只有几十所院校开设军事历史课,而80年代中期开设这门课的院校已超过400所。美国中学生也对军事历史的学习研究表现出浓厚的兴趣。军事历史方面的杂志、书籍、电影、电视剧等急剧增多,吸引了愈来愈多的读者和观众。1960年到1979年,美国出版的有关越南战争的书总共不到25种,而现在这种书已超过300种。1983年,美国陆军军事历史研究中心继70年代前半期出版的15卷的越南战争丛书之后,又开始出版名为《美利坚合众国陆军在越
The Soviet Union, “Military History” magazine in 1988 No. 11, published an article that: the American people, especially young students increasingly interested in military history. In the past 10 years, the number of scholars studying this subject in American higher education tripled. During the Vietnam War, only a few dozen colleges and universities in the United States opened military history classes. By the mid-1980s more than 400 institutions had opened the course. American middle school students also show great interest in the study of military history. Military magazines, books, movies, television dramas and so on have increased sharply in history, attracting more and more readers and spectators. From 1960 to 1979, the United States published a total of fewer than 25 books on the Vietnam War, which now exceeds 300. In 1983, following the 15-volume series of Vietnam War published by the Army’s Army Historical Center for the Study of the Army in the first half of the 1970s, the United States Army began publishing a document titled "The Army of the United States of America in Vietnam