促进横向联系 发展经济联合

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《中共中央关于经济体制改革的决定》指出,要“按照扬长避短、形式多样,互利互惠、共同发展的原则,大力促进横向经济联系。”这是搞活经济,加速我国现代化建设进程的正确决策。近两年来特别是最近,甘肃各地各行业各企业之间,在横向经济联系中组建的以工业公司为主要代表的各种形式的经济联合体,正在蓬勃发展,显示出无限生机和强大的活力。什么是横向联系和经济联合,经济联合的基本方向是什么,它应采取何种管理体制,当前在经济联合中应注意研究和解决哪些主要问题?等等。这都关系到联合体能否健康发展,是否有利于发展生产力,搞活企业和提高经济效益。本文试图以上问题发表一点探讨性的粗浅看法。经济联合是生产力发展的客观要求工业生产中的经济联合,按照列宁所下的定义,就是把不同的工业部门结合在一个企业中,这些部门或者是依次对原料进行加工,或者是对另一个部门起辅助作用。这就是说,人们不能随 The “Decision of the CPC Central Committee on the Reform of the Economic Structure” points out that it is necessary to vigorously promote horizontal economic ties “in accordance with the principle of avoiding weaknesses, diversifying forms, promoting mutual benefits and common development.” This is the correct policy for invigorating the economy and speeding up the process of China’s modernization. In the past two years, especially recently, various forms of economic associations represented mainly by industrial companies, set up among enterprises in various fields in various parts of Gansu and among horizontal economic ties, are booming, showing immense vigor and vitality . What is the horizontal linkage and economic union, what is the basic direction of the economic union, what management system should be adopted and what major issues should be studied and solved in the current economic union? And so on. All this has a bearing on the healthy development of the consortium, whether it is conducive to the development of productive forces, invigorating businesses and boosting economic benefits. This article attempts to address the above issues a bit of discussion of crude ideas. Economic integration is an objective requirement of the development of productive forces Economic union in industrial production. According to Lenin’s definition, different industrial departments are combined in a single enterprise, which processes raw materials either in turn or on another department Play a supporting role. This means that people can not follow
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