
来源 :语数外学习(数学教育) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Mciael
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近年来,物理是高考一直关注的重点及难点科目。很多学生在物理学习中经常遇到许多障碍,很难把握知识的难点,对物理规律的理解不够透彻,解决问题的方式也不够灵活。随着教育理念的不断更新,培养学生的发散性思维已成为教师在教学过程中的重中之重。二十一世纪的快速发展是需要具有创新能力的人才,现在的学生是未来的创新主力,他们这一代人的创新精神和创新能力,直接影响到国家和民族的前途及命运。 In recent years, physics has always been the focus of the college entrance examination and difficult subjects. Many students often encounter many obstacles in physical learning, it is difficult to grasp the difficulties of knowledge, understand the laws of physics is not thorough enough, the way to solve the problem is not flexible enough. With the constant renewal of educational philosophy, training students to divergent thinking has become the most important part in the process of teaching. The rapid development of the 21st century requires talents who are capable of innovation. Nowadays, the students are the main force of future innovation. The innovation spirit and innovative ability of their generation have a direct impact on the future and destiny of the country and the nation.
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项目地点:西班牙穆尔西亚占地面积:811平方米摄影:David Frutos Location:Murcia,Spain Floor Area:811sq.m.Photography:David Frutos Project Location: Murcia, Spain Si
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