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坊间言是口碑。既然是口碑,自然就没有屹立之处,如野草一样由风招展。清朝的皇上里边,雍正爷的坊间言最盛最炽,篡取上位,滥杀兄弟,刑赏无序,喜怒无由,负面的占多数。依着这些言传,他不仅不是一个好帝王,连个好人也算不上。但雍正是有改革功心的皇帝,有奉守规则的一面,也有破法立法的一 Square is a word of mouth. Since it is word of mouth, there is no natural stand, such as weeds by the wind breeze. Inside the imperial court of the Qing Dynasty, the official records of the reigns of the reign of Emperor Yong of the Yong dynasty were the highest, the highest, the highest, the indiscriminate killing of brothers, the criminal reward disorderly, the moody, the negative majority. According to these statements, he is not only not a good emperor, not even a good man. However, Emperor Yongzheng was an emperor with a reform courage, a rule of law, and a
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