完善养老保险制度 推进社区社会化管理服务

来源 :福建劳动和社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seanchn
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企业退休人员实行社会化管理服务,是一项新的工作,也是社区建设的一个系统工程,是完善社会保障体系的基本内容,也是深化企业改革和经济发展到一定阶段的必然要求。养老金实行社会化发放后,推进企业退休人员的社区管理,切实减轻企业社会事务负担,已成为当前必要而且十分紧迫的任务。这项工作与福州市的经济发展水平,城市建设与社区管理等有着密切的联系,这不仅涉及广泛的领域,关系方方面面,而且对我市的经济发展和社会稳定产生深远的影响。因此,我们要进一步完善养老保险制度,积极稳妥地推进企业退休人员社区管理工作。一、将企业退休人员社会化管理服务纳入我市城市杜区建设工作总体规划之中,并使之成为一项重要内容福州市政府在贯彻《福建省社区建设纲要》的实施意见中第十一条提出:“企业退休人员社会化管理服务贯彻属地管理 It is a new job and a systematic project for community building to implement socialized management services for enterprise retirees. It is the basic content of perfecting the social security system and a necessary requirement for deepening the reform and economic development to a certain stage. After the socialized payment of pensions, promoting the community management of the retired staff and effectively relieving the burden on the social affairs of enterprises has become a necessary and urgent task at present. This work is closely linked with the level of economic development, urban construction and community management in Fuzhou, which not only covers a wide range of fields, but also involves all aspects of the work and has a profound impact on the economic development and social stability of the city. Therefore, we must further improve the pension insurance system and actively and steadily promote the community management of retirees from enterprises. I. Incorporate socialized management services for retirees from enterprises into the overall planning of urban construction in our city and make it an important content The Fuzhou Municipal Government implemented the ”Implementation Guidelines for Community Construction in Fujian Province“ Article proposed: ”social retirement management services to implement the territorial management
Background::An epidemic of COVID-19 broke out in Wuhan, China, since December 2019. The ordinary medical services were hindered. However, the emergency cases, i