
来源 :新安全 东方消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:litao2006
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11月9日快到了,消防界又迎来了向公众传播消防知识的大好时机。1990年,上海市公安消防总队率先把“119”火警电话与消防宣传活动联系起来,在含有11月9目的那周里开展全市的消防宣传活动。选择这样的时机向公众传播消防知识有两个好处:一是在火灾多发的春节即将到来之际开展大规模的消防宣传时机适当;二是便于人们记住“119”火警电话。上海的这一做法得到不少城市的认同,北京、青岛等地也相继开展了“119”消防宣 November 9 approaching, the fire sector ushered in the dissemination of fire prevention knowledge to the public a golden opportunity. In 1990, the Shanghai Public Security Fire Brigade took the lead to connect the “119” fire alarm with the fire prevention campaign and carried out the city’s fire prevention campaign in the week of November 9. There are two advantages to choosing such an opportunity to spread fire knowledge to the public. First, it is appropriate to launch a large-scale firefighting campaign on the occasion of the upcoming Spring Festival fire. Second, it is convenient for people to remember the “119” fire alarm call. Shanghai this approach has been recognized by many cities, Beijing, Qingdao and other places have also launched a “119 ” fire brigade
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2007年11月20日,中共武穴市委书记张社教把市档案局新任局长王铁刚请到办公室,听取相关情况汇报,并语重心长地说:档案工作 On November 20, 2007, CPC Wuxue Party Secretar
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