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应用因子分析理论,结合随州市8年来的流脑监测资料,对影响流脑流行的12个因素进行了研究。结果表明,影响流脑流行的前六位因素是:人群流脑菌B群、A群带菌率、一月份相对湿度、一月份发病率、流行前期流脑接种率和人群抗体平均滴度。尽管当前流脑发病以散发为主,但影响流脑流行的因素并未完全消失,继续广泛使用流脑A群多糖菌苗,加强对流动人口及重点地区人群的监测工作仍具有重要意义 Applying the theory of factor analysis, combined with meningococcal monitoring data in Suizhou City in the past eight years, 12 factors influencing the epidemic of meningitis were studied. The results showed that the top six factors influencing the prevalence of meningitis were: population B group of meningitis, population carrying rate of group A, relative humidity in January, incidence in January, prevalence of meningococcal meningitis in early stage of epidemic and mean antibody titer of population. Although the current encephalitis is mainly emasculated, the factors influencing the epidemic of encephalitis have not disappeared completely. It is still of great significance to continue the widespread use of the meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine A and to strengthen the monitoring of the floating population and the population in key areas
她站在盛放木槿的花蕊中  暾暾  如明亮白昼  就像从清甜的泥土里涌出一汩冽酒  她的指尖有泪还流  那一刻波荡的目光  轻轻  轻轻  落在我心上  可竞灼烧至此无法安放  她像是蔚蓝的姑娘  携一片从远方飘来的时光  绿色的苔藓爬上细白柔软的脚踝  她却只是看我  遥远地看我——  不带悲伤
广西龙州县民族中学创办于1986年,目前在校学生1438人,教职工82人。近年来,在各级党委、政府的正确领导下,在广西教育厅等相关部门的大力支持下,全校师生艰 Guangxi Longzho
Background: Prior to the discovery of the Huntington’s disease(HD) mutation, the prevalence, incidence, and new mutation rates for this disease were based on t
Objective. - This 1- year, open- label, multicenter study was designed to assess the long- term tolerability and efficacy of sumatriptan nasal spray 20 mg in ad