Broadcast Scheduling Strategy Based on the Priority of Real-Time Data in a Mobile Environment

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq619609199
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Data broadcast is an important data dissemination approach in mobile environment. On broadcast channel, scalability and efficiency of data transmission are satisfied. In a mobile environment, there exists a kind of real-time database application in which both the transactions and data can have their timing constraints and priorities of different levels. In order to meet the requirement of real-time data disseminating and retrieving, a broadcast scheduling strategy HPF-ED F (Highest Priority First with Earlier Deadline and Frequency) is proposed under the BoD (Broadcast on Demand) model. Using the strategy, data items are scheduled according to their priority the transaction imposed on them or system set for them. The strategy also considers other characteristics of data items such as deadline and popularity of data. The extensive simulation experiments have been conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. Results show that it can achieve excellent performance compared with existing On broadcast channel, scalability and efficiency of data transmission are satisfied. In a mobile environment, there exists a kind of real-time database application in which both the transactions and data can have their timing constraints and priorities of different levels. In order to meet the requirement of real-time data disseminating and retrieving, a broadcast scheduling strategy HPF-ED F (Highest Priority First with Earlier Deadline and Frequency) is proposed under the BoD (Broadcast on Demand The strategy of data items such as deadline and popularity of data. The extensive research experiments have been conducted on them or the system set for them. The strategy also considers other characteristics of data items such as deadline and popularity of data. to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. Results show that it can achieve excellent performance compa red with existing
194 6年第一台真空管电子数字计算机问世 ,当时主要用于数值计算。 5 0余年以来 ,计算机技术发展迅速 ,从用于数值计算到今天可以处理各种形式的信息 ,极大地推动了信息技术
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