沿京深高速公路由北向南行,即将进入邢台市区时,西侧一片郁郁葱葱、生机盎然,一眼望不见边的树林呈现在我们眼前。走进林去摸一摸那光滑青翠的树皮,深吸一口清冽的林间空气,不禁心旷神恰。那整齐划一的树行树列,就像一队队等待检阅的士兵;那沙沙作响的翠绿叶片,像是在对你窃窃私语。鸟语啾啾,充满了柔情蜜意。置身于绿海之中,谁能想象这里原是一片沙荒呢? 洛村隶属邢台县祝村镇,地处白马河故道,距邢台市区北环路仅2.5公里。九十年代以前,该村还是有名的“吃粮靠救济,花钱靠借款”的穷村,当时人均收入只有二三百元,人均耕地只有0.6亩,整天看着黄沙过日子,仅有的这几分耕地还受到沙荒的威胁,几代人饱受风沙之苦。该村70多岁的高老汉对此深
Along the Beijing-Shenzhen Expressway from north to south, about to enter Xingtai urban area, the west side of a lush, full of vitality, a glimpse of the woods appear in front of us. Into the forest to touch that smooth green bark, take a deep Qing Lin air, can not help but feel relaxed. The neat rows of tree branches, like a team of soldiers awaiting review; the rustling green leaves, like whispering to you. Bird tweeted, full of tender feelings. Exposure to the Green Sea, who can imagine here was originally a piece of sand waste it? Luocun under the Xingtai County wish Zhucun, is located in the ancient Baima He Road, Xingtai Beihuan Road, only 2.5 kilometers. Before the nineties, the village was also famous for its poverty-stricken villages that rely on loans and borrow money. At that time, their per capita income was only two or three hundred yuan. Per capita cultivated land was only 0.6 mu. They watched yellow sand live all day long and only Some of these arable land is also threatened by sand shortage, and generations have suffered from sandstorms. The 70-year-old tall old man deep in this village