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一、关中地区今年实行土地改革,应当完全按照中央人民政府所颁布的土地改革法,刘少奇副主席关于土地改革问题的报告来办事。听说在会议中还有某些代表同志对在实行土地改革中保存富农经济表示怀疑。这一方面是代表了一部分贫雇农民热望土地的情绪,另一方而也可能是一九四七年上地改革时期中所发生过的片面的满足贫雇农要求的旧影响的残余。这将阻碍对保存富农经济的深刻了解。为什么要保存富农经济呢?保存富农经济可以切实的保护中农、中立富农、孤立地主,组成广泛的反封建的统一战线,使土地改革运动中的阻力减少,使社会秩序易为安定,在全国范围内得以迅速顺利地完成土地改革。中农是贫雇农的阶级同盟军,是农民阶级重要的一部份,是贫雇农亲密的朋友,如果在土地改革中不能切实保护小农,增加了中农的顾虑,甚而损伤了中农的利益,就是损害了自己亲密朋友的利益,就必然会打乱自己的阵营,减弱了农民阶级的力量,使反封建的主力军受到损伤。因此,保存富农经济,是巩固中农,集中力量对地主阶级的封建剥削制度进行斗 I. The Implementation of Land Reform in the Guanzhong Region This year, the land reform law promulgated by the Central People’s Government and Liu Shaoqi’s report on land reform should be strictly followed. I heard that some of the delegates at the conference also expressed doubts about the preservation of the rich peasant economy in the implementation of the land reform. On the one hand, this represents the emotion of a part of the poor peasant farmers who look forward to the land. On the other hand, it may also be the remnant of the one-sided repercussions of the old poor and hired peasants and peasants who took part in the reform period in 1947. This will hinder a deep understanding of the preservation of the rich peasant economy. Why save the rich peasant economy? The preservation of the rich peasant economy can effectively protect the middle peasants, the neutral peasant, the isolation of the landowners, the formation of a wide range of anti-feudal united front, the resistance in the agrarian reform movement reduced, the social order is easy to be stable, in the country The land reform can be completed smoothly and smoothly. The middle peasants are the class coalition forces of poor peasants and peasants. They are an important part of the peasantry and are close friends of poor peasants and peasants. If they can not effectively protect small peasants during the land reform, they will increase the peasant’s concerns and even damage the interests of the peasants. For the interests of their close friends, they will inevitably disrupt their camp, weaken the power of the peasant class and damage the main anti-feudal forces. Therefore, the preservation of the rich peasant economy is to consolidate the middle peasants and concentrate their efforts on fighting against the feudal system of exploitation by the landlord class
对猕猴桃树体进行整形修剪,可以调节树冠结构,控制树体生长速度,调节生长与结果、衰老与复壮之间的矛盾,达到通风透光、增强树势、提高产量和品质的目的。 The tree pruning kiw