Graphene oxide-COOH as a new saturable absorber for both Q-switching and mode-locking fiber lasers

来源 :ChineseOpticsLetters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huanghoubin102
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Graphene oxide carboxylic acid (COOH), a novel two-dimensional (2D) layered material with its unique optical and electronic properties, is discovered to exhibit the saturation of optical absorption under laser illumination. Applying the liquid-phase exfoliation method, we prepare graphene oxide-COOH dispersions with deionized water and fabricate graphene oxide-COOH polyvinyl alcohol polymer composite film. We further obtain stable Q-switching pulse and mode-locked laser operation with a 22.7 MHz repetition rate and a 1.5 ps pulse duration by incorporating the graphene oxide-COOH-based saturable absorbers into the all-fiber erbium-doped fiber laser cavity. The experimental results show that the proposed graphene oxide-COOH material can act as an effective absorber for pulsed fiber lasers, which demonstrate potential applications in the area of ultrafast optics.
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可变形反射镜是自适应光学系统的核心组成部分之一, 在人眼像差的检测与校正等方面得到了广泛的应用。目前自适应光学系统最常采用的变形镜主要有两种:微加工薄膜变形镜和压电式变形镜。基于两者结构原理的不同, 它们在自适应光学系统中的表现也存在着差异。采用59通道微加工薄膜变形镜和37通道压电式变形镜进行对比实验。利用同一闭环自适应光学系统针对4阶以内的常见像差(包括散光、彗差、三叶差、球差)观察两者的泽尼克系数生成情况。结果表明, 目标值较小时, 微加工薄膜变形镜和压电式变形镜的泽尼克系数实际值误差都比较小; 目
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